Why Polygamy is the SolutionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #sex7 years ago (edited)


I hope that at this point everyone had read or seen the movie "MoneyBall".

Is about Billy Bane, statistics, linear regressions, logic and baseball.

Billy Bane (the character played by Brad Pitt), reads a theory that says: "The best team is not the one with the most impressive players, the best team is the one with the highest score once you sum the performance of each one"

The big discovery here is that a player with high performance is costly because every team wants him, his performance is obvious to everyone. But there are players that are not so great but have a specialty, usually, those player are less costly.

The important part is that there is a clear relation between:

Best total score for the team and games won.

This is obvious, right?

Why we keep doing the same mistake in others domains of life, like dating.

We as humans, know our level of attractiveness, at least in a range from 1 to 10 according to some studies. The problem is that if we are 7 we look for a partner that has the same score. We date what we can afford.

Now, this is where polygamy is important to consider. Imagine that you are a 7. What would you do as a human with a none impressive score like a 7? well you are going to date several 6-7-8 until you find someone that likes you back.

How you decided who is 6-7-8, well you did mental calculations with something called Heuristics:

She is hot, but she gets mad often, I usually pay but she has nice boobs, she likes to drink with me but she hates when I play videogames, she likes to cook but she snores at night.

That is equal to 7

The problem is that we try to find the best qualities in one human being and that cost us a lot.

There is an illustration called the triangle of love:


How it works is that you can only pick two of the three choices, the other is the cost that you need to pay in order to have the other two.


If you want a beautiful person and emotional stable, she is going to be dumb, etc.

This is our reality, but polygamy is our solution and is the same that in Moneyball. You don't need the best qualities in one human being, you need to assemble a team that if you sum the score of each member, the score is going to be higher, without the penalties for the high score.

The best news is that you don't need to cheat into your current relationship, you can outsource what is socially acceptable. Like a good conversation with a funny female friend, a few beers, camping, movies, makes you feel great about yourself, lends you money, who knows, the sky is the limit.

What you cannot outsource, is what you need to find in a girlfriend. Sex.

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