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RE: Call For a Ban On Child Sex Robots

in #sex7 years ago (edited)

Some very bad people are doing very bad things in this world. Many people and media and governments and religions and corporations are involved in trafficking and we will go after them. Clinton is involved. Many are involved in very bad things with children. We always hear about missing children. Where did they go? The robot thing is a problem too.


"The robot thing is a problem too."

Why? Besides the fact that you find it distasteful I mean. Nobody is directly harmed.

I am attracted to it. I would even buy one. It would be tough not to buy one. Will I ever buy one? I do not know. I think having a real woman would be better. However, men do not want to be alone. That is why men buy dolls.

How is any of that a problem? Learn to have some willpower and discipline if you DON'T want one or embrace that you do and buy one.

None of what you said is an argument against having them.

There are reasons for not having them. I do not have to make those arguments for those things to be true. I did not say I was arguing or not. I know it kind of looks like I am arguing. I was kind of hinting at an argument and you either know a real woman is better or you do not know that. I do not have to make an argument than can prove why a real woman is better than a robot. People can do what they want. I did not say you cannot get one. Do what you want but a real woman is better.

English might not be your first language. So I'm trying to assume the best here.

You don't get to state "There are reasons I am right, but I'm not going to tell you those reasons. But I'm right." in a discussion and look like anything but the loser. That's just not how debates and discussions work.

If you have good reasons for what you think state them. If you don't then you should re-examine why you feel so strongly about something you're obviously uninformed on.

That's all I'll say to that.

As for the rest, nothing personal in this for me. I'm not dumb enough to waste money on a robot that lays there. I want mine to have laser guns.

As for real women being better... eh, maybe you've met better women than I have in life. Most are basically children anyway.

"I do not have to make those arguments for those things to be true."

Yeah, actually you do. That's how debate works. Until you do, you are simply laughably wrong.

" you either know a real woman is better or you do not know that. "

You can't know this, unless you have been to the future.

That's because there is no argument against having them, except feels.

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