My New Aunt Gave Me An Unforgettable Graduation Gift

in #sex3 years ago

It should be the perfect day, but it’s not. I’m fucking miserable. The sun is out; the sky is blue, and it’s a nice summer day. The problem? Ginny dumped me during the fucking graduation ceremony last night. She was supposed to be here with me, distracting me from the flood of random extended family members here to celebrate my graduation. I’ve envisioned sneaking off to smoke some weed and get one hell of a blowjob, but…fuck her. I was so pissed off last night I couldn’t even jerk off, which has rendered me with achy, blue balls.

My ass is numb from sitting on the edge of the deck while aunts and uncles and cousins mill about the backyard, waiting for my dad to announce the burgers and dogs are done. I really don’t care too much for any of them. The only bright spot is my new aunt, Christine. My dad’s brother remarried again and his wife is fucking hot. She’s been parading around all afternoon in a low-cut, skin tight velvet dress, her tits practically on full display and a string of pearls that are probably more valuable than her husband’s car.

I’ve met her only once before, when I was still dating Ginny, and didn’t dare stare for too long under the watchful eye of my girlfriend. But she’s not here, so I will stare away. It’s better than talking about politics or careers.

“Where’s that cute little girlfriend of yours?” Christine snuck up on me and is crouching down to my level. I have to shift on the steps, because the view of her soft curves down the front of her dress has my dick semi-hard.

“We actually broke up last night.” Not the entire truth, but accurate enough?

“I’m guessing she dumped you, based on that sourpuss face of yours.”

“She did, indeed.” My face is wrinkled with embarrassment and shame. Why, I don’t know, but my ego isn’t good at accepting rejection.

“I have something that might help you out. Do you smoke weed?” I pause, because I almost feel like this is a setup. Older women with banging bodies and expensive pearls don’t generally ask young men if they smoke weed.

She senses my hesitation. She opens her purse and shows the two big ass joints. I guess she fucking does.

“In that case, yes…yes, I do.”

“Come with me.”

I’m in no way sorry for bailing on my own party. I didn’t want to have it in the first place, but my parents insisted. It’s more for them than for me. Fuck it.

I follow her inside like a lost little puppy. Getting high will at least make the afternoon more tolerable.

“Where can we smoke where we won’t be caught?”

“I smoke in the basement. Haven’t been caught yet. It’s through this door here.” I open the door, flip the light on, and lead her down the stairs.

We’re barely settled, and she has a joint between her lips.

“No offense, but your family is a bunch of sticks in the mud.” Her voice is distorted by her lips holding the joint, but I couldn’t agree with her more.

The flick of her lighter casts her cleavage in a warm glow. I can’t look away. I’m still lost in the shadows between her breasts when she holds the joint between two fingers in my line of sight.

There is a flow of energy between our fingers when I grab the joint from her. I take a long, deep hit and pass it back. I’m holding it in as long as I can until it comes out in plumes around us.

“I’m so happy you suggested this. I planned on getting high with Ginny until, well…nevermind.”

“You don’t need her. She was a bimbo, if I may be so blunt.” She’s passing me the weed when she says blunt and we both crack up at her choice of words.

I’m so incredibly enamored with her. She is at least twice my age, but her skin is flawless, her body makes her look like she’s twenty-five and the touch of pearl around her neck just makes my mind wander down dirty roads.

“You need a real woman. You’re big, and strong, and have so much to offer.” Her hand brushes my knee when she speaks and I’m done. There is no hiding the erection she elicits.

“Th-thank you.” I can’t look her in the eye.

“No, thank you. Thank you for letting me smoke with such a sexy young man. Have you ever thought about older women before?” Holy shit, yes! That’s all I’ve been thinking about since she arrived.

“I have.” I still can’t look her in the eye. In the off chance that I’m misreading this entire situation, I can’t risk doing something I would regret.

“Good, because some older women, such as myself, love young men like you. I dare say you might have a little thing for me, too.”

Her fingers walk up from my knees and trace my hard on through my pants. A feather’s touch with one finger over the outline of my cock. If there was a small trickle of electricity when our fingers touched earlier, it’s now a full-blown electrical storm with lighting shooting between us.

“I might have a little graduation gift for you if you…wanted one?” Um. Yes.

“Oh, my god. You are so fucking hot. You can do whatever you want.” My reservations are lifted and I’m all in.

“Goooood. There is just something about young men like you, and your big… fat… cocks that I can’t resist.” She is pausing either out of her own need or for effect, but I’m hanging on every word.

She stands and lifts the hem of my shirt, dragging her fingers over my abs in the process. I’ve been a three sport athlete for years, so if there is one thing I am confident about, it’s my body.

“Oh, shit! Even better than I imagined.” She is running her fingers over my shirtless body now. My pecs are traced. Her fingers slide up over my Adam’s apple and down to the top of my waistband.

“Take these off.” I’m putty in her hands. She could tell me to run naked through the party upstairs and I would for her. So naturally, I am fumbling like a fool to strip down as quickly as possible. Her eyes are focused squarely on my bulge. When it finally jumps free, her eyes light up, and she licks her lips, which send chaotic energy raging from my balls to the tip of my cock.

“Did Ginny suck your cock?” Her eyes haven’t left my throbbing shaft.

“Yes.” I’m damn near breathless.

“I bet she didn’t suck you as well as I will.”

I’m thinking about what to say in response to this when she drops to her knees.

Her hands are on my thighs, and her lips are forming around the head of my cock. When she molds around me, her tongue presses firmly on the underside of my head. Her mouth is so warm and wet, and her eyes looking into mine make my knees buckle.

Little by little, she roams further down my shaft, her tongue massaging me as she goes. There is a prickly heat spreading through my body I’ve never experienced before. She’s right. Ginny never sucked my cock like this. Ginny gave me blow jobs. Christine is making love to my cock with her mouth.

“Oh, dear god!” I growl through gritted teeth. She moans over my beast and it’s fucking heaven. I’m not sure any woman will ever feel as good as she does.

Each time she backs off, she circles my head with her tongue, drawing all the slippery goodness from my slit, and spreading it down over my shaft with her lips. Instincts kick in, and my fingers twist in her hair. I’m guiding her head up and down on my shaft, thinking only about adding my own pearly contribution to her soft skin just above her tits.

“Sssshhit!” I hiss when she gets even more aggressive.

When she takes me all the way in, she bobs slightly, which has her tits jiggling just enough to catch my eye. It’s taxing trying to keep from busting my nuts. My body is so tight. My fingers twist even harder in her hair when the tip of my cock reaches the back of her throat. Ginny never did that. Not even close.

Christine’s green eyes are alive and hungry when she starts to hasten the pace at which she is sucking the soul through my cock. Her eyes don’t leave mine, but I can’t help but watch her lips slithering over my shaft.

“Do you want to cum in mouth, love?” She pulls off my cock long enough to ask the question.

“Ffffuck, yes!” My words are slow to form because I’m lost in the sensations.

“Mmmm, give it all to me, baby!”

She grips my shaft and sucks harder than she has yet. It’s like she is trying to suck my fucking balls up through my cock. Her tongue is dancing over the most sensitive spot but it’s when she lowers the dress and bares her tits I explode.

“Ohhhhhhh!” I’m shaking violently. My face is hot and my vision is blurry as my cock stills, swells, and releases. Pump after pump of cum fills her mouth, but she keeps sucking through it all.

There is cum leaking out from around my shaft as she continues to fuck me with her mouth, right up until the very last shot sends a visible shiver through my body.

She locks her lips around me, pulls them back slowly, and swallows me down.

I’m still shaking when she fires up the joint, hits it and passes it to me. The warm smoke burns my throat, but it helps me calm down after my near out-of-body orgasm.

She straightens her dress, adjusts the pearls and starts to head back upstairs.

I reach out and pull her back. I lift the back of her dress, pull her panties to the side and slide my cock deep inside of her. She is hot and wet, just as I expected.

“I didn’t think you’d rebound like that. Make me fucking cum!” Such a refined woman on the surface is a sexual goddess underneath.

My cock fills her perfectly, but she backs me up to a chair until I slip out of her and fall to a seated position. Like a bear to honey, she is riding me, reverse cowgirl style. Her ass is slapping against my thighs while she moans.

“Your cock is fucking magical!” Her words have my balls tightening.

“Fuck me, baby!” She’s bouncing even harder now. My cock feels like it might break at any moment, but she is taking what she needs from me.

“Yes! God, yes!” She slows the pounding and starts to roll her hips. The tip of my cock is hitting so many places inside of her, but then she finds a spot and sinks down onto me even harder.

I’m trying to refrain from cumming again so soon, but her pussy is contracting around me when she cries out.

“God yes, I’m fucking cumming.” Her pussy sends a warm heat through my cock and I’m blowing my load again. This time into her dripping cunt while she cums over my cock.

“Oh god, did I need that.”

She gives me a kiss on the cheek, hits the joint again, and walks upstairs.

“See you at the next family event.” She winks and disappears up the stairs, leaving me with a sloppy limp dick and a burning joint. I don’t even bother cleaning up. I puff at the weed, sit back and enjoy the moment a grown ass woman had her way with me. By far it is the best graduation present ever.

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