Techniques and Practices for Sexual Mastery

in #sex7 years ago

Sexual Mastery takes many lifetimes to achieve, because it is a polarity and not a binary state. You are not either a Master sex god or a limp-dick. All of us are somewhere between those two extremes, and if you think you are a sexual master, I bet you somewhere in the universe, another being has a way bigger dick (or clitorous) than you do. That does not mean that we cannot make progress in this area and enjoy the benefits that cum with sexual mastery.
I am going to write about what I know, since I quite obviously am not a Cassanova / master womanizer. What I do know however, is very effective and powerful, and can be used to amp up anybody's sex life. There are very simple, but difficult techniques that can boost your mood, make you physically stronger and more attractive, and make you far more attractive to the opposite sex. How do I know? Because I do these things every day, and I can feel it, that's how I know.
There are far more benefits to these techniques besides making you more attractive. You can last much longer in bed for example. You will notice that other people value you more and look up to you. You will have more energy to do the things you want to do in all aspects of life.
The practices that I am referring to feed into and balance each other. The first is abstinence from masturbation and excessive sexual stimulation. The second is regular fasting. The third is a good, vegan diet that includes superfoods, adaptogens and aphrodisiacs, and the fourth is Tantric, or limited, sexual contact. I will mention other practices that I do as well, such as exercise and kriya yoga. I will explain how these four seemingly unrelated habits can radically transform you into a super sexy badass.
The first and most important habit is to abstain from masturbation and excessive sexual stimulation. This also means that pornography habits will have to be totally let go of and ended, if you want to have any real success. The reason is that pornography stimulates the body and mind sexually, making masturbation and release inevitable. It is bad for you on many other levels as well, which I will get into. The effects of not masturbating are surprising to those who have never tried. First, you will get ridiculously horny, and who doesn't like that? As a matter of fact, you will become so horny, that the opposite sex will start to give you attention that you never got before, because they may be a little horny themselves. Secondly, you will start to feel secure about yourself on a fundamental level. Insecurity is a huge problem with humanity. I used to suffer from it for decades, until I discovered these tricks. There are many reasons why you stop being insecure when you stop masturbating. First, you are so damn horny that you just forget all about your insecurity, because all you can think about is sex. Secondly, you feel a sort of weight (or maybe lightness if you are female) that is so heavy that nobody could possibly shake it. You feel invincible actually, like you are the biggest object in the room. You feel this in your physical body as well as your soul, and you stop thinking about what other people are thinking about you, because you don't feel threatened by them in any way. Instead, you feel a primal strength and courage that a wild animal would have, an unstoppable force of nature. Your physical body becomes stronger, and has more energy to channel into exercise, work or sex. In fact, the energy can become so overwhelmingly powerful that it can burn your brain out if you have bad thought habits and bad emotions. But it is also a motivation to work through those emotions and thoughts. And this is where the second technique comes in.
Fasting is vitally important to your success if you are going to take the path of the sexual ascetic. The reason is that the sexual energy in your body can actually become much stronger than you can handle if you have no sexual outlets. There are many related benefits to fasting, but I first want to share my experience with masturbatory abstinence (also known as no-fap) before I discovered how fasting can help. After a period of about a week of no-fap, I would be on the edge of my seat horny. All that I could think about was sex, and I felt like I needed it now or I would die. While I did become far more attractive to girls that way, and I commend myself for enduring such a heavy load, it was never enough to make me happy, and I never actually attracted many girls. In fact, it made me very angry, and very desperate for female attention. I was angry, because I had no outlet for my raging desire, and because I had negative thought patterns and emotional addictions to work though. I had a habit of blaming myself and the world for my sexual un-fulfillment, and the painful thought patterns were like a broken record that played endlessly in my mind. Thoughts like "I will never get laid", "Girls hate me", "I hate myself", "I can't do it", etcetera. A very heavy emotional and sexual frustration followed me everywhere I went, and when I rarely tried to talk to an attractive stranger, they usually backed away in disgust or were frightened, like I was some sort of monster or rapist. That hurt very much, because I was really just trying to learn how to improve my social skills to bring women into my life, because I liked them and was suffering. I had so much fear of women growing up that I never talked to strangers, especially girls, because I was afraid of their judgement, and again I felt totally insecure. In my mid 20s, after reading the book, The Game, and discovering no-fap, I knew that I had to learn to approach women, but every time I tried I got the same thing: fear, disgust, ignore-ance, shame, humiliation, and judgement. So I just couldn't bring myself to consistently approach girls I liked, the emotional consequences were too strong. This left me stuck in a prison of male desire, constantly thinking about girls, but never able to talk to them, all the while beating myself up for my lack of courage, and unattractive qualities.
The world around me seemed pretty hopeless, brainwashed zombies everywhere, unhealthy people everywhere you look. I very rarely even saw girls that I found attractive in public, and when I did, I felt there was an impenetrable wall of fear between us. I continued with my practice of not masturbating, because I felt it was the only hope that I'd ever have.
Later in life, I discovered on my own, the power of fasting in combination with no-fap. I use fasting to tame my desires, to focus on my worldly work, and also to connect with women. It is a hidden technique that more people need to know about and practice, as it has radically improved my life in only a few months. I had tried fasting before, one day a week for about a year, but I never noticed the sexual improvements until recently. The way that I discovered this trick was that I had become so horny from extended periods of not masturbating and eating concentrated aphrodisiacs that my brain was on fire with frustration, anger, and sadness. I still was not able to talk to strange women, and I had gone years with almost no physical contact. I had met a girl who gave me a couple nights of pleasure and relaxation, but she either lost interest in me or was not interested in seeing me repeatedly in the first place. She was all that I could think about, and I didn't know what to do, because it had been weeks and she wasn't responding. I was asking the spirit for guidance, because I was in an overwhelming amount of pain. That is when I remembered a 24 hour fast that I had done a year prior, and I remember riding a lawn mower and realizing that I had forgotten all about sex.
It was then that I decided to try another 24 hour fast, because it had been a while. I had a peyote ceremony the next night as well, so it would be good purification before the medicine. I noticed that the next morning I had felt better, and was able to release a lot of my disappointment, frustration, and anger. I did a lot of crying. I had gone to the grocery store with a coworker and friend the day before, and he was synchronistically telling me how easy it is to talk to women, having casual conversations with the girls at the cash register. It might of worked for him, I told myself, but it doesn’t work for me. The next day however, well into my 24 hour fast, I went back to the same grocery store, and noticed that it was surprisingly very easy to talk to the girls there. There was almost no fear between us, and I was not in a bad mood like I normally was. I was also not as much in my head and nervous, because I had forgotten all about sex and my desires. This meant that there was far less pressure for me to come off as cool and attractive, and the girls picked up on it. I was so surprised by this that I realized I had just had an epiphany. All I had to do from now on was stop eating! My ego did not like the epiphany necessarily, because egos love eating, but there was something my ego wanted far more than food, and now I had another chance to get what I really wanted.
I noticed that night at the peyote ceremony how much easier it was for me to connect and talk to the women there without creeping them out or pushing them away with my ulterior motives. I noticed that I felt good regardless of their presence and attention. And I also noticed that I didn’t need to chase them to satisfy my desires, because the desires had been removed. This was the most important discovery that I have made since I discovered no-masturbation. I now use both of these techniques together and have made so much progress emotionally that it is like night and day. I no longer beat myself up for failing to approach, I no longer feel totally out of control horny, and I no longer feel frustrated and sad about life, because I am not generating those emotions through painful thinking. While I have been doing focused work on my thoughts and emotions specifically, the fasting has radically improved my success in those endeavors. Another benefit of fasting is that it brings hidden things in your mind and heart to the surface for healing, exploration and release. Fasting is such a powerful emotional de-toxer as well as physical. It has been proven to make people live longer as well. it can literally heal the world if people knew about its benefits and regularly practices.
The way that I now practice fasting is by doing a little bit, or a lot of it every day. I have not been doing full 24 hour fasts, but instead do a 6 to 8 hour fast in the morning, and a 2 to 4 hour fast before bed. This is a good starting point for me at this time, and the results have been incredible. Today, I will do an extended fast until 9 or ten tonight, because I am meeting a couple of female friends for tea tonight, and I want to make sure there is no ego, fear, desire, clumsiness, or bad thoughts and emotions blocking me from connecting with them. I have not yet attracted sexual partners, and I have a lot of work to do getting out of my comfort zone and approaching strange women. I noticed today how powerful my comfort zone is at keeping me in a box. Even though I have set the intention to start immediately approaching girls that I am into as soon as I see them, I saw one today reading a book at a coffee shop, and knew that it might be a good idea to approach, but could not bring myself to do it, because I could feel my discomfort zone around her. What I did not do, however, was beat myself up about it. Instead, I neutrally observed that I have a powerful comfort zone that is limiting me that I need to start expanding in these ways. I am in a very good place emotionally right now, especially compared to how I was a year ago. I feel that I am not pressuring myself to attract women, that I don’t have the overwhelming evolutionary physical pressure that comes from sexual desire, and that I can relax and enjoy simpler things in the mean time. This is a much healthier emotional place to be if you want women to like you. Women are very emotional creatures and healthy ones want nothing to do with men who are perpetually angry, frustrated and sad, men who need them to make them feel okay. This explains why I could never attract women into my life even though I had a ridiculous amount of sexual desire. Virility and horniness is only one aspect of men that women like, and it does not over-ride happiness, comfort, confidence, and abundance. Without those other qualities, I always came off as a desperate, pitiful loser with a sex obsession. Not very attractive.
Anyways, I hope this post reaches other men and women who are in a similar situation that I was in. If someone would have just explained to me why masturbation was harmful, instead of just saying “the Bible says its wrong”, I would have never had the pornography and masturbation addiction that ruined my adolescence and young adulthood. Now I am on the path of balance and healing, and I look forward to the rewards and joy that are awaiting me in the future. Even if I never attract a mate again, I at least know how to be emotionally satisfied and happy with the other aspects of my life. I am no longer addicted to bad emotions and chasing women! I have freed myself through knowledge, attention, intention and right action.
I am going to get off of here and not-masturbate and not eat. Maybe I will research cryptocurrency or read a book. I feel so good ! Thank you for reading.


Love this share. So much goodness and empowerment. I have been practicing fasting everyday by not eating until 2 pm - and stopping at 7pm. I wish to work up to day long fasts. It's been on my mind for a while. I really enjoy these shares. So nice to see such quality content. Feel into writing your posts in smaller paragraphs and add pictures. I feel it really helps readers enjoy the post, and its so worth reading

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