SevenDaysOutside challenge - RustArtWednesday - Old field fence ...

You could describe my contribution today as just a rusty bit of old fence. Actually the fence is still standing and it still does its job of keeping the neighbour's sheep in their own field.

As you can see it's had a fair amount of battering and it's a bit crooked in places.

I come across a lot of these old rusty fences in our fields when I walk the puppy.

Today this was glistening around 7:10am with all the overnight rain and drizzle. I thought I should 'elevate' its status from 'rusty bit of fence' to 'rust art'.

photos by @cryptocariad

Thanks to @erikah for hosting the #SevenDaysOutside challenge. Below's the list with all the themes if you'd like to join :

#WindowMonday – Windows
#DoorTuesday – Doors
#RustArtWednesday – Rust
#GateThursday – Gates
#StatueFriday – Statues
#BrickSaturday – Bricks (bricks only, no pavement elements or cobblestones please)
#StreetlampSunday – Street Lamps


Good luck ever getting those nuts off. Its on there forever.. hah

amazing how just oxygen did this.

That gate hasn't been used for a while luckily, @solominer, and the sheep (foxes and badgers) tend to find holes in the hedge anyway...


hah that must be maddening, foxes probably mess with the sheep and badgers can be mean.

Often it's the small things where you can find beauty - if you have the eyes to see it :)

I agree, @muscara... and we are often in a hurry to see those little things.

Rust has its own beauty and is often very interesting. I'm envious of your early morning walks - my timetable has got a little out of sync with going back to work, I must change it! This looks like a good challenge and great for your lovely photographs.

Don't be, @shanibeer... Mornings are certainly darker and I'm not looking forward to all this walking on slippery frosty lanes.
The challenges are actually quite achievable :D

No, it won't be so much fun in winter, but I'm glad I'm back to getting up a bit earlier now. I often walk round to the Garden at dusk, it's very pleasant and some of the fragrances are much stronger at that time of day.

I agree with you : dusk time is more peaceful and also without so many distractions @shanibeer.

I like art that is functional :) keeping in the sheep counts for function. I like the brown and green and the way the drizzle puts a bit of a sheen on the rust.

In this area I have seen a return to wooden gates, @steven-patrick... Not so durable but they certainly age nicely too.

Wonderful, true art is the one that transcends the soul, beyond the eyes

Wonderful, true art
Is the one that transcends the
Soul, beyond the eyes

                 - odalysrivero

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Thank you, @odalysrivero ... I see you're a natural 'haiku writer' too :D

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