Seven Day Black and White Challenge(5) 七日黑白照片挑戰 (五)

My theme is Message on Memo.
我的主題: 便利貼傳情

第一天, 一隻小天使來了. 1st day, an angel appeared.

第二天, 天使帶來了一份禮物~ 2nd day, angel brings a gift.

第三天, 他決定把禮物綁上一對翅膀- Angels wrap a pair of wings around the gift.

第四天, 他來到一片空地, 抬頭望向夜空。Yesterday, he came here and look up to the starry sky.

今天, 他找了一個同伴, 一起望向天空。Today, he gets a friend who stay with him to look up the sky together.
WhatsApp Image 2018-05-03 at 3.24.34 PM.jpeg

Did anybody knows what story am I talking about? Hint: it's a song.
你們能猜到我在說甚麼故事嗎? 提示: 一首歌。

Here are the rules:
  1. 7 black and white photos, one for each day
  2. Must pick a theme
    3.Use the tag #sevendaybnwchallenge
  3. Nominate 1 person each day


  1. 每天拍下一張黑白照片,連續七天
  2. 訂下主題
  3. 把貼子標上 #sevendaybnwchallenge
  4. 每天提名一個人

I will nominate @coder-bts for joining this challenge today!
今天我便提名 @coder-bts 來參加這個比賽!


This is sooooo hard to guess....

Try! You should know

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