Day three of the Seven Day Black and White Challenge by @sift666steemCreated with Sketch.

For my next victim I'm picking @everittdmickey because he's always commenting about spandex so clearly he wants to contest the challenge.

(no pressure on anyone, if anyone can't be arsed just pretend you never saw this, but upvote my post without reading it)

Actually I don't really think he will be into it at all, but I'd be really curious to see all those black and white photos of chainsaws and pick up trucks around Texas that I'm sure he must have...

I have pick ups filled with photos so finding photos isn't a challenge. But finding some poor sap to nominate certainly is.

If you would like me to nominate you just comment telling me why you like to dress in spandex, and your day will come!

And if you would like me to NOT nominate you just comment saying why. The catch is, I will also want you to give me the name of someone I can nominate in your place, and to provide a selfie of yourself in spandex.

Here are the rules

7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life

Present one image every day for seven days

No people

No explanation

Nominate someone every day.

Although anyone can join in, be sure to use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five


Nice ;)

i learn something from your to read it.
Thanks for sharing important post

So do you know how to post photos of yourself wearing spandex in Mexican?

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