The Seven Day Black and White Challenge: Day #6

Compliments of the season Steemians.

So it is Boxing Day; a day to show love by giving and receiving gifts. I pray your heart desires come to fruition in your life, wrapped in colorful gift boxes

It is my sixth day in the challenge which I was invited to by @tolustx and @ojay. Thanks guys and here is my day 6 picture;


I nominate @harbysco to join the challenge.

Here are the rules;

• Seven black and white images that represent an aspect of your life.

• Present one image every day for seven days.

• No people.

• No explanation.

• Nominate someone every day, but anyone can join the fun.

• Use the tag - #sevendaybnwchallenge - as one of your five tags.

See you tomorrow; my 7th and last day in the challenge. Somehow, I can't wait to get there😀. Kudos to photographers.

Until then, enjoy the holidays.


Lol. Even me that invited you did only one. 🙈🙈🙈

Lol... I was tempted to o but I decided to finish what I had started..

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