7 Day BnW Challenge by Red Dust Art

Things I Find In My Every Day Life

pots and pans.JPG

Day7 of 7

The Challenge.

  • 7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life.
  • Present one image every day for 7 days.
  • No people.
  • No explanation.
  • Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in.
  • Use the tag #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags.

Today, I nominate => @greenwhell79
Thank you=> @natureofbeing for your nomination.

some_text A link to My Blog


An impressive picture
The way the picture was photographed
Shows you are a professional photographer
Your reflection

I am not a professional and have no aspirations to become one...but I am starting to enjoy taking photos @hassanben, thank you for your support.

This proves that you are good at photography

hahaha, me and my furry winter sweater, I love my camera, it is very easy to use.

If they were in colors . The picture will be more beautiful

it's a beautiful picture ... good shot @reddust
You should try making Moroccan tea in this jug ,,, You will like it a lot


I like good strong black English Breakfast tea...give me your recipe and what kind of tea you like @beforandafter.

I fully agree with @beforandafter in his words. You really have to try the tea in this jug*

I like really strong black tea that is loose leaf. I actually boil my tea to make it stronger lololol and add spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, and allspice and then add some cream.

Try herbal tea has a good flavor

I will try to spread the method for you, I can not now because I am sick :'(

Oh I am sorry, I will pray you recover quickly @beforandafter.

Wow red looks like you spend good time cleaning your dishes, because although the pic is in B&W they spark me. Regards

I think the men will like this photo, we having a saying here in America, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." hahaha

Jajajaja it's true

It's true for my husband, he has a lovely round tummy....when we take a walk I say we must walk every day to stay in shape...he pats his tummy and says "round is a shape." For the Dutchman having a comfy cozy home and good food is the most important thing next to someone who cooks and cleans his home...hahahahhahah

black and white posts.
i like it,
i upvote and reteem my friends yes

same as my good friend

well always good entries in your black and white color challenge from your home album and good to see this last entry from your kitchen
really these all things we find everyday in our life @reddust

I cook every day from scratch, most of my time outside of my projects is spent cooking, cleaning and taking care of my family and pets. Thank you @shencoin.

goods that have their own meaning, and we always use in life

Being able to cook food is a skill that will keep one alive during difficult times. Healthy food and a full tummy is a simple way to stay healthy and happy.

I agree with you friend ,👍👍👍, healthy life and all can be resolved😀😀😀😀

Very good friend.

Why so sad @safrijals, are you hungry? lololol

yes i am sad you are now a lot of friends. will i be forgotten .... ??😭😭😭

No you won't be forgotten but you must make more friends and create good blogs, comment on lots of posts.

I already missed you. because it has not entered my blog for a long time. not like my brother....😭😭😭😭

You miss my SBD, my curation will be limited because I have delegated half of my SP for profits. :P hahahaha,

hhhahah. where you hire a delegate

Oh I like your sense of humor @safrijals! It feels good to laugh with you my friend. I have delegated for profit to www.smartsteem.com

Someday I would like my account to earn more in passive income than my posts do!

Good picture! perfect and clean kitchen

After writing all the articles about plagues I am making sure everything in my kitchen stays clean...OMG...hahahah

Sangat luar biasa teman.

You are welcome

Those utensils looks untouched...

I was expecting a black and white drawing from you... #winks

I keep my kitchen clean...hehe <3 I'm finishing a black and white art coloring book drawing project today.


I will in anticipation of seeing the drawing project, provided you unveil it here

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