Seven Day Black and White Photo Challenge - Day FivesteemCreated with Sketch.

Here is it! Day five of the Seven Day Black and White Photo Challenge and I had a little cooperation.
In fact, we took a few photos but hubby decided he liked this one best. Enjoy!


Day Five

Challenge Rules

  • 7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life
  • Present one image every day for seven days
  • No people
  • No explanation
  • Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in, be sure to use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five

Does this count as no people if they're only body parts?

Day Five Nomination


because of your awesome participation in my last post
and the fact that you were the first to guess it was a mint plant.
I appreciate you.



Deb's idea of holding hands is to make a fist, tuck her thumb in, and let me hold her closed hand...yeah, weird - she's always done that. Some would say it's endearing lol

That's actually kind of adorable. LOL
Pat and I do not hold hands very often because I get freaked out when my hands sweat. Normally, if we're walking, he holds my pinky; sometimes my pinky and ring finger.

all these Hallmark moments are translated uniquely into peoples' lives :)

I'm reminded of the dialogue from Good Will Hunting when Robin Williams shares the story about his wife farting in her sleep.

Sean: [in Sean's office] One night her fart was so loud it woke the dog up, she woke up and said," Was that you?" I said, "Yeah." I didn't have the heart to tell her.
Will: [laughing] So she woke herself up?
Sean: [laughing] Yeah. She's been dead two years and that's the shit I remember. Wonderful stuff. These are the things I miss the most; these idiosyncrasies that only I know. That's what made her my wife. And she had the goods on me too! She knew all my pecadillos. People call these things imperfections. That's the good stuff. That's what intimacy is all about and the only way you find that out is giving it a shot.

Awe that's a fabulous picture ! Looks so great in black & White , what a special day it must have been ! 👍👍👍📷📷📷📷💕💕💕

I actually cornered my husband and told him to pose. It was his idea to lay my hand on top of his. He's so funny because he kind of directed the shoot; tried out different hand poses; tried photos of just the rings. After about 10 photos I started giving him the hairy eyeball. LOL

Hahaha ! That's awesome , you guys are a great couple ! It turned out great , I love it !!👍👍👍💕💕💕

Thank you for the nomination @merej99! I am currently on Day 4 myself ☺

It is beginning to seem as though the real challenge is to find steemians who have yet to participate in this black and white challenge!

Rats! I looked through the hashtag and didn't see you. Yeah, I'm finding that there are a lot of people who have done it already. I guess it's time to pick on some newbies. lol

Ahh well that's just adorable. And pretty obvious why he liked that one :D


Thank you @ryivhnn - he set up several poses and made the final selection. It was up to me to snap the photo. It's great that he's so supportive of the creative things I attempt. :)

So nice -- 2 more days to go. Not as epic as your challenge, but still fun.

So far so good! I just posted Day 6 and then one more to go. :D
I need to carve out more Steemit time in the day because I feel like I'm missing a lot of content and a lot of people are not showing up on my feed. Very strange.

Your photo is awesome in white black color challenge. The two hand combinations have been so nice that it made your camera lock, thank you.

Thank you so much @eliashossain - are you participating? If not I've got you on tap to nominate tomorrow :D

thank you so much, to answer me, if I get your cooperation, I can reach a much better place than steemit, can I help with a little bit of voting? @eliashossain sweet. Are those claddagh rings?

They are indeed claddagh rings :D
My groom even wore a kilt on our special day

ack noooo.....that's great.That's right, now I remember. He was consulted about my grandfather's ww1 uniform.

whoa, GOOD memory! And you say you suffer from OLB.

I depends what day and what is going on. I love the giphy. pfffffff.

Awww nice! Love always wins, so you could never go wrong with that. Even with B&W nature of the photo, one could easily feel the warmth seeping through. Great to keep the passion burning!

He's the love of my life <3

We should all be lucky to find that someone that makes our heart whole!

Really lovely photo @merej99. I can tell you're enjoying the challenge. :)

This has been a really fun challenge. I could probably do another week but I'm getting ready to try your Alphabet challenge. There's a part of my brain arguing that the holiday season is here but since I really don't celebrate I don't see the harm in trying! So... You're back to "A" again?

This ia beautiful :)

Thank you Karen. I love it when my husband decides to play along with me. :)

One step at a time lol you should frame this photo, its lovely :)

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