Day One: Seven Day Black And White Challenge

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My most excellent friend @ddschteinn nominated me to participate.

Always happy to oblige am I, thank you my pal for the nomination! 😊

The Challenge:

7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life
Present one image every day for seven days
No people
No explanation
Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in
Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags

Today's lucky challenge nominee: @jacobtothe I nominate thee for the B&W challenge!!!

As always, thank you one and all for stopping by! This Kat absolutely adores comments, dialogue both post specific or random, or just a hearty hello if you are feeling cordial.

And as always, the image in this post was taken on the author's humble and aging, but rather adored, achromatic image capturing iPhone.

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Ooooh, pretty!
I've seen this around, seems like a fun idea!

You are too kind! I am not much of a photographer, but it's more than a bit of a fun assignment. You should totally go for it, perhaps some person will nominate you next😉!

Maybe I will! :D

That hay definitely reflects your life! That's got to be some satisfaction to have that all under cover.

I love the sight of hay properly stacked in a shed or a barn. It's like looking at a life insurance premium paid in full or something, LOL!

I have missed seeing you around these parts, hope all is well!:)

What is that just above the support beam?

It's a skull that I found when I was hiking many years ago up on the state land behind our house. They ran buffalo up there so I always refer to it as my buffalo skull.

Makes sense to me!

That's the way I like to see bales of hay. Already stacked in the barn. I haven't hauled hay in around fifteen years and my allergies and I don't miss it. Nice photo @generikat!

Well, if your allergies and self ever feel nostalgic, I definitely know a place you can come next summer to flex your antihistamine muscles😜! Thanks @chops316!

Alas, I must decline your challenge. I feel insufficiently inspired. But I offer this photo comment as consolation:


Well, it was a win win for me either way, either you would be inspired and enjoy, or the whole prospect would annoy you. Yay! What are friends for!!!

Also, thank you for the cord wood inspirational pic. Are you trying to tell me something? 😜

nice photography

You are adored for this comment, thank you so much!

That photo is about as @generikat as it gets, lol

HA HA! You don't say? 😆

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