7 Day of Black and White Challenge-Day 6

Hi! I was nominated by my sweet husband @drobinson to do the seven day black and white challenge. 🐸

There are some rules though..here they are below!🐍

1)7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life🐲

2)Present one image every day for seven days🐢
3)No people🐊

4)No explanation🐟

5)Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in🐋

6)Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags🐬

Now its my turn to nominate someone, so today I choose @shieha

Hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading


Nowadays all my pictures are edited to black and white

Haha! Sometimes it just looks better!


Nice black & white photography @alovelymess. Photograph well taken.

Aw thanks! You're so kind!

Love the angle on this one!

Why thank you!

Great shot babe!!

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