The Seven Day B&W Challenge - #1steemCreated with Sketch.


This morning I woke up to an overwhelming Steemit surprise : My dearest friend @karencarrens nominated me for this most interesting challenge that has been going on on the platform as of late. So, besides my passion for psychology and short stories, for the next few days I will be sharing with you, my followers, some aspects of my life through black & white photographs.

These are the rules to be taken into account:

• Seven black and white images that represent an aspect of your life.
• Present one image every day for seven days.
• No people.
• No explanation.
• Nominate someone every day, but anyone can join the fun.
• Use the tag - #sevendaybnwchallenge - as one of your five tags.

Also, for the next seven days I will be nominating a different steemean to embark on the same challenge. So, my first nomination is @trumpman. Considering how consistently mean he is to me, I don’t really know why he was the first one I thought of for my first nomination. Would it be my unconscious mind? Maybe, maybe ... Some traumatic monster event in my childhood? Maybe, maybe ...

All the best to you all 😊



Hmmmm.... I wonder? Representing a special event or trip? Or do you just have a really great beach and patio in your backyard?

Thanks for the nomination!

" I don’t really know why he was the first one I thought of for my first nomination. "

I think it's called Stockholm s syndrome or maybe something from the same spectrum!

You are unbelievable! You .... MONSTER!

Oh no! We need to deprogram you! Be FREE!

Ha! Stalking @abigail-dantes through B&W shots! I like it! :P

😘 It will be your turn soon !!

😍 Ooooh! It would be a challenge hard to resist! 😍

Tough to venture guesses without hints.

Psychologist by day, restaurateur by night, maybe?

Looks like a wedding is about to take place. Good photo my friend.

Love the subtle tones of the photo. I was going to nominate you and didn’t realize you had reappeared. Much love and best wishes friend❣️🎄

Oh! Same to you my dearest :)

Impressive photo and the contrasts of black and white make it unique

Thank you for stopping by Carlos :D

The black and white photo challenge is so cool. Very nice photo. Good luck always for you @abigail-dantes.

You are welcome my friend :-).

Looks like a nice place to have a breakfast :)

They make the best apple pie in the world there @saunter :)

Where is it?

In Portugal.

Never been in Portugal, but I surely will be! Is it your home country?

I am from Brazil @saunter 😊

Nice place Dear ! @abigail-dantes

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