The Seven Day Beer Challenge 5# - Resurgence Irish Breakfast Ale

Onto Day 5 of the challenge. My last beer was a relatively inexpensive bock that I had drank many times before. This violated one of the cardinal rules which is to try a beer you've never tasted before. Rest assured I intend to maintain this condition of the challenge for my last three beers.

This is the perfect time for a beer challenge as I just moved to Upstate New York and there are a ton of new breweries to try. I know a lot of people scoff at beer in the US, but the craft beer scene is rapidly growing all across the country. Most cities have multiple small local breweries these days and they're all experimenting with different ways to make beer. Although they're not all perfect, the competition means that tons of varieties are available and the overall quality is quite high.

Today's beer is an Irish Breakfast Ale created by Resurgence Brewing Company. This is a relatively smaller and newer brewery compared to some of the other breweries I've featured. It's located in Buffalo, New York, hence the giant bison head on the can. I know next to nothing else about the brewery, but hope to visit it soon.


I chose this beer because its close to Saint Patrick's day and I wanted an Irish Ale and this one was 16 ounces so I could split it with my wife. I don't usually have breakfast ales though so I couldn't tell you what I'm supposed to be tasting. Its also supposed to be brewed with coffee and maple syrup which could be good or bad depending on how well the flavors blend.


With an unknown brewery and a whole ton of odd flavors mixed together, I was a bit hesitant about this beer. However, it poured a nice red color and a pleasant smell of maple. At the first sip, I could easily taste the maple syrup, but it wasn't as sweet as I was expecting. This is a good thing as sweet beers aren't my jam. I suppose there were hints of coffee, but the maple syrup really stood out and was a nice complement to the bready flavor of the beer. This beer was also quite filling, it would be a challenge to chug this and I only wanted to take moderate sips. I was still sad when it was gone though.

I would definitely try this beer and recommend it to anyone. Its got some usual flavors, but it quite good on its own. At $1.50 a can its not too expensive either.

I can't think of anyone to nominate at the moment. If you want to get nominated, let me know in the comments!

These are the rules to be taken into account:

  • You have to try a new beer every day, for 7 days
  • The beer must be something you have never tasted before
  • You must put a photo of the beer and write a few words about it
  • Nominate someone every day
  • If you are a social outcast with no friends to invite you just join the fun. You have every excuse to drink!
  • Use the tag "#sevendaybeerchallenge" as one of your five tags.

Long term effect would be liver diseases. hahahaha lol

My liver certainly isn't enjoying this challenge.

You gotta stop that challenge or else you'll end up at the hospital

Thank you, your dog made my day. I would love to pet it and give it a hug one day

May I get nominated by the way? :D

This challenge is just like polio. You can only have it once :P

That's a pity :(

Is it my idea or this beer has a goat on the can too? :P

This look is adorable!

I think its a buffalo/bison. Not 100% sure though.

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