
Wish the little break I had from school. Believe it or not not I fell into a bit of depression. My mind was finally free and I was realizing how much I was neglecting self care. It hurt so much feeling the void I had created from being so busy. I think I would be a horrible gardener XD

I was scheduled to work and go to school full-time but I said no way. I dropped my 4 week class and kept the 8 week online class to work on self care a bit more. And hope to be more social again or at least hit the gym again. Before my class gets heavy again. So far I went like 3 times this month. I'm pretty sure I'm going to feel sorry tomorrow, so rest and homework day after work.

I finally got a watt meter to precisely measure my electric consumption. I use about 994watts for my miners. And 0.12$ per kwh. According to my math it's like 2.87$ a day to mine. 87$ a month and 1045$ a year. I'm mining at a premium but I'm still doing it. There's worse things I could be spending money on XD I think when Bitcoin is less than 8k I'm losing money. But maybe not this year, or maybe sometime next year it'll cover my losses.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm so sorry you had a bout of depression, but I'm not surprised. You push yourself so hard. I'm glad you are taking it a little bit easier, that's such a monster responsibility to work full time and try to continue your school full time as well. You have to have some ME time to do fun stuff and take care of yourself!
I don't know what I'm going to do with my BTC miners when the summer rates start up again. The power bill hit $600 last during the peak summer months and I know we're losing money with BTC at this price. I could save the power bill money and just buy BTC with the money I save on the power bill, but it's just so hard to turn them off and be idle.
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I've been thinking about the mining for a loss a lot. I've been watching a lot of videos about getting into solar power and charging batteries and have my miners run off the grid. But my fear is it's outside my comfort zone, and it would cost multiple times more than my initial investment in the miners.

I was thinking, if half of my miners were powered by solar it would help. Or If all my miners were set up for solar and would use the batteries until they get too low the. Switch to the house electric when it needs to recharge until the sun comes out then use that. Would be nice to have wind supplement too.

Maybe one day when I have my own place.

It does feel tempting to turn off the miners and just buy the coins with the electric I'm saving. It's so tricky to be objective in this matter. I like mining cause it's mostly hands off once it's setup.

Posted using Partiko Android

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