SETI - The Search For Extra-Terrestrial life??!!

in #seti6 years ago

We think we are so smart.
We developed radio waves.
And then, we think that other "smart" life out there would use radio waves too!

So, we have been analyzing radio waves in search of patterns that would indicate someone out there is using radio waves to communicate too.

But, lets look at ourselves. Radio and TV used to be everything. They ruled the airwaves. Quite literally, they owned a band of EM where only they could broadcast. Radio and TV were the media that showed you the world.

However, along came the internet, and now, radio and TV are being replaced by streaming media. They will be gone completely in a generation. As the next advance in media distribution will make them too antiquated to even be kept around for novelty. Further, the advertisement model is about to die.

Radio wave communication will have come and gone within 200 years. A tiny blip on the timespan of man.
So, why are looking for radio waves from other civilizations in space?

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Now, you might say, "what about cell phones? They are radio waves, right?"
Well, yes and no. The tech that keeps people from listening into your phone call (unless the are the cell provider) also makes it impossible to look for with a radio telescope. And, the way the cell phone transmission is encrypted means that for any large enough sample, all of the transmissions cancel each other out. In simple terms, for ever 1 transmitted, there is an opposite 0.

So, all any alien race would hear would be a low hum, if they looked at the correct frequency range. And they would really have to be near the planet to get anything.

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But! Even worse than that, is the galactic internet.
With quantum entanglement, it is possible to send communications between any two spot instantaneously. (even across the galaxy.) So, as soon as any race worked out how to use quantum entanglement to send data, all radio wave emission would cease.

Why would you use tons of power to broadcast (meaning everyone can hear it) something slowly (because of transmission limitations) ? When you could use your quantum entangled transmission pairs to instantly transmit what you want, however much you want, with nobody being able to listen in.

Once the galactic internet is discovered, all man made EM transmissions just stop.
So, why are we still spending money on SETI?

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We also have crop circles and UFO sightings.

Of course none of these are "verified" by govern-cement sources, but many, many people have experienced them. And many, many people have published their encounters. So, if we were actually looking for extraterrestrial life, wouldn't we be better off scouring the interwebs than scouring the radio waves?

There are photos. There are stories. There are strange artifacts. There are even movies. Enough to keep any researcher busy for the rest of their lives. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. There is tons more if you want to get into the woo-woo side of things.

So, why indeed is SETI looking into space, with radio telescopes?
My guess is that it is the largest sleight of hand trick by those who own the govern-cement.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


The last thing we should be doing is contacting alien races or trying to set up shop on other planets. We are in no condition for company right now. Getting a message from SETI would be like someone ringing your doorbell after a three-day divorce-inspired bender. Let’s get ourselves cleaned up before inviting guests over... maybe we could start by learning the difference between right and wrong.

No, no, no! That won't do it all.
We are still on the three-day divorce-inspired bender, and we are just waiting for the moment to say, "here, hold my drink, and watch this."


But really, it is the sci-fi minded person's escape dream. We will just all travel to a new planet, and then everything will be all peaceful and happy and perfect.

And, the aliens, if you talk to them, are waiting patiently for us to learn the difference between right and wrong.
Jordon Peterson is getting hammered for saying we should know the difference between right and wrong. Where does that leave the rest of us?

Exactly! Hahaha

Peterson - and the reaction to him - is a great example of where we are in western culture. The two things people hate about him is that he’s “insensitive” and that he’s too “thinky”.

People have been dumbed down to the point that frivolity and inanity are comfort zones, but anything slightly intellectual is arrogant bullshit. In addition, they can’t distinguish between the messenger and the message; and if doesn’t pass over unnaturally white teeth and a feel-good smile, they’re kneeling down looking for stones.

Everything’s “boo” and “yay” like pre-schoolers at a puppet show. Absolutely brutal.

Contrary to popular belief, and their Form 990, no government funds are allocated for its SETI searches – these are financed entirely by private contributions. Other astrobiology research at the SETI Institute may be funded by NASA, the National Science Foundation, or other grants and donations.

Yep, they moved it under "civilian" funding after much halibalu.
It is interesting what else is under "civilian" funding, like the camera on the satellite orbiting Mars.

All of SETI's money used for searches comes from private donations, not the government. As far as the current search methodology, they've always said that if they found any signals that they would most likely be from a civilization with the same approximate technology as us. They can only look for what they know how to look for. They have the capability, for example, of searching for planet to planet communications similar to what Earth spacecraft send and receive. They may or may not be able to decipher the signals but they would be able to tell that it was artificial in nature. Detecting alien life in this manner pretty much relies on their being aliens with similar levels of technology out there at the right time for us to be able to intercept their signals. No one really knows how likely that is.

howdy there from Texas @builderofcastles!
Hey these are very interesting points that I'd never thought of and I guess
our government hasn't either!
it makes them look kinda dumb.
great post thank you!

Thanks for reading.
What, with our secret space program, i don't feel the govern-cement is dumb, more about diverting attention and shuffling money.

yes that sounds more like it, that is their specialty.

Love it, man! ~ "govern-cement"
Ain't that the truth?

There already IS galactic communication happening, and it's been hushed up forever. The internet is helping to get the truth out there.

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