Justice for Seth Rich : It is necessary to request an investigation and establish "truth commissions" .

What many had suspected for a while, Seth Rich was the source WikiLeaks for leaks. Of course, if it is true that WikiLeaks emails come from a DNC insider, this would end the account of "Russian piracy" that has been perpetuated by the Democrats and the traditional media for several months. Moreover, this would corroborate the only confirmation that Julian Assange offered about his source, namely that he was not a "state actor".

Meanwhile, the plot grew a bit more over the weekend when Kim Dotcom confirmed via Twitter that he was working with Seth Rich to send emails to WikiLeaks.

"We have this very strange story now of this young man who worked for the Democratic National Committee, who apparently was assassinated at 4 in the morning, having given WikiLeaks something like 53,000 emails and 17,000 attachments". Fox News a annoncé que les sources anonymes du FBI lui avaient confirmé que Seth Rich était la source de WikiLeaks pour les fuites de DNC, ils venaient de publier la rétractation suivante en disant que l'article "n'a pas été initialement soumis au haut degré d'examen éditorial nous Requis pour tous nos rapports. "

« Le 16 mai, une histoire a été publié sur le site Nouvelles Fox sur l'enquête sur l'assassiner 2016 de DNC membre du personnel Seth Rich. L'article n'a pas été d' abord soumis au degré élevé de contrôle éditorial , nous exigeons de tous nos rapports. Après un examen approprié , L'article a été jugé ne pas respecter ces normes et a depuis été supprimé. Nous continuerons d'enquêter sur cette histoire et fournirons des mises à jour comme cela est justifié.

We are NOT STUPID it was CENSURER ... THE "FAKE NEWS" USUAL .. !! ll these people ask "Why do not you present that now?"
This is because the reader's identity was not important, the leak was! Until the propaganda media decided to commit 100% to "this was the story of the Russians, the identity of the retarder has become important! Even then, waiting was a good way to make the media "show their hand", and now we can turn them, big time.

What was followed by the following messages on 4Chan / pol / subgroup that the current and former Democratic Party officials are afraid of the investigation into the murder of Seth Rich.

"Anons, I work in DC

I know with certainty that the case of Seth Rich frightened the loophole of some current and former senior officials of the Democratic Party. That is why they have moved away from the accusations. They know that the gun is there, and they are terrified, you will find it, because when you do, you bring the whole DNC, as well as some very big politicians.

It seems that some DNC thugs were not deep enough when it was time to cover their tracks. Podesta saying to want to "give the example of the digger" is a huge rifle. The post continued to claim that a "smoking gun in this case is out of the hands of the conspirators" which resulted in an "open panic" close to DC circles.

"Behavior is close to open panic, and even mentioning this name in DC Circles [sic] will automatically examine you, and even admitting that you are aware of this story puts you in immediate danger. If there were no smoke, there would be no fire. I have never, in my 20 years working in DC Vu [sic] such a panic reaction from anyone. I have good reason to believe that the smoking gun in this case came out of the hands of the conspirators and will be discovered by anon. I know for certain that Podesta is deeply concerned. He receives calls and anonymous emails from people who say they know the truth. Even with Hillary.

23 May 2017 14:05
It was the plan, all made by design, all made by the agenda from an intelligence perspective.

The Art of PsyOp is based on Scripting the Perfect False Narrative which illegally unconsciously answers Bias. Blur all irrefutable facts and make everything wrong by rewriting the story. Did not Karl Rove say that there were "Stories Actors". Essentially, he admitted to the PsyOps through the Pressakee's "Fake News". "We are an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you study this reality - wisely, as you would - we will act again, creating new realities that you can And we're just going to study what we're doing. "(Ron Suskind, NYTimes Magazine)

Which leads to the most improtant queistion of all: is this all just another fake news diversion, or is there more to the Seth Rich murder?


'Who Murdered Seth Rich?': Billboards, Ads to be Posted in Search of Killer | NBC4 Washington
A $ 130,000 reward is offered for information that leads to an arrest, including $ 105,000 donated by Republican lobbyist Jack Burkman. Burkman, who works with the Rich family, is responsible for the campaign, according to a spokesman for The Publicity Agency, which manages the website and advertising works. "We're gonna find her murderer": Parents plead for answers Advertising boards and bus shelter announcements will announce the award and will tell people to go to WhoKilledSeth.com, said the spokesperson. Billboards will go up around Bloomingdale, where Rich died, and other parts of the city. Investigators said they had no evidence suggesting that the murder was related to the victim's work at the DNC. The attempted theft was cited as a possible motive.

UPDATE WikiLeaks offers a reward in the murder of DNC Staffer


good article.....thanks. I am praying that justice is served and the corruption in government and big corporation is finally dealt with. Thank God for President Trump.

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