DNC Crisis Manager Brad Bauman Is Rich Family Representative? Why?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #sethrich7 years ago

Ok so first Mr. Bauman please do tell us who is paying you. Are you doing the work pro bono? Many seem to think it's the DNC paying you- if so why would the DNC all of the sudden find it in their heart to hire a representative for the Riches 10 months after his murder? Is it perhaps because the case s taking a turn that they don't like and they feel the need to steer the narrative or have they all of the sudden found a warm sot in their heart for Seth Rich's parents? I seriously doubt it is the Rich family paying Bauman however Mr. Rich seems to have implied that your were 'assigned' by the DNC.........

Joe Rich, Seth’s father, allegedly asked Butowsky to push back against Burkman’s interference.

“The third time I talked to Mr. [Joe] Rich (Seth’s father), he said, ‘Ed, there is a guy named Burkman who keeps saying he represents us. I am going to give you his phone number. Please tell him to stop doing that. We have a man who was assigned to us by the DNC,'” Butowsky explained to WND.

source http://mobile.wnd.com/2017/05/thats-patently-false-seth-rich-family-spokesman-denies-dnc-is-paying-him/

The 'man' Mr. Rich is eluding must be Brad Bauman - so why is the DNC 'assigning' crisis management specialists to the Rich family? I wonder what other a$$istance the DNC has offered the Riches that would have prompted the them to allow/request Bauman to send Rod Wheeler (retired DC Homicide Detective and PI originally hired by a third party) to cease and desist when Wheeler revealed that a DC Homicide detective had told him the case had been 'shut down' and that Seth's PC had evidence of communications with Wikileaks? How does that in any way serve the needs of the Rich family to have an investigator that reveals these damning facts to cease and desist? It of course doesn't serve the Riches family's needs but it certianly does serve those who ordered the murder of Seth Rich.

What is it that made the Rich family turn against their own PI who seems to be doing his job in bringing the truth forward?

This is obviously the DNC swooping in and using some sort of bribery or intimidation that has the Rich family allowing the very people who instrumented their son's murder handle PR for them.

It's time that a special prosecutor be appointed to this case- the DCMPD have proven once again they are 100% in the bag for elites, particularly Dem elites, and have lost all credibility with the public.

Will Mr. Bauman disclose who exactly is footing the bill for his services? If it os the DNC that would be an obvious conflict of interest since these new revelations point to the DNC as having a motive to murder Seth Rich.

Sure would be nice to have a face to face talk with the Riches to see why they are allowing Bauman, who obviously represents the DNC narrative and is most likely being paid by them, to represent them????

I think it's way past due that we get some people under oath in sworn deposition. It's time to determine who exactly is paying Bauman and what sort of instructions did they give Bauman in performing his duties?

Did the Rich family sign a document that gave Bauman the right to represent them? If so were they paid to do so? If so why would anyone pay them to represent them unless of course steering the narrative was imperative to the payers interest.

This whole thing smells worse by the moment and as far as I'm concerned has the typical stench of powerful elites using money and cohesion to cover for their crimes.

So please do tell Mr. Bauman who is paying you?


The DNC is scared so they are threatening the Rich family. This family is in grave danger I believe. Justice for Seth.

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