Living the word: SerioussteemCreated with Sketch.

in #serious7 years ago

Who am I as the word serious ? The word serious can be quite interesting.

Let’s look at this word in my native tongue – Norwegian, let’s play and investigate this word.

Ser I oss ? - can they see me

Ser dere oss ? can you see me

Can you see me ?


It ends up like a question, if I am visible or not. If anyone can see me. So what should make one stick out in a crowd ? What draws our attention on what premises ? What makes one unique ?

Let’s dive into this… We humans are a result of cultural and multilayered programming and upbringing. Consisting of memories and data such as, words, energies, conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious mind that have made a myriad of impacts on us as beings. I mean we have gone thought some nasty shit to end up like we have, with constant war, crimes, inequality, pollution, abuse of life, rape, murder, ignorance and that list goes on & on. The human creation. Not a lot to be proud of – so far !

Most of us live under cultural influence and a indisputable demand to consume more and live according to polarized and painful energy surges and experiences – constantly chasing the newest gadget, theme, movie, tech, money, porn, clothing, mobile, drug, hype etc.

We are driven by our minds (!) desire to do “this” over “that”. Within a fraction of a second we make our minds to chose, Paris Hilton over Naomi Klein, or Simone de Beauvoir, we chose a coca cola, over a carrot or water, or porn instead of self investigation, we choose violent computer games over writing our life story and reading books about perma culture. Can you agree to this ?? We drive and chase porn, video games, and celebrities, energies, we do anything, all the time to have more money, and to improve our status above others in compare. This is still the core human drive of mentality. This have been going on for some time now.

So why should I be serious, why should people look at me ? What makes me so special ?

To be special today, in a smart way, to be serious, is to chose to be responsible to have awareness, and self honesty with ones living. To see and work with how minds has us in a dead lock position. To address the programming within self, of energies and imagination within, being it emotions, believes, thoughts, addictions, personalities, behaviors, ingrained patterns, judgment, fears or desires. To see it all and I expose it, document it, chose to delete it with self forgiveness. To know how it came about, to prevent it to come again and change.

Here is a catch, If I don’t know what is driving me into fear then how can I stop fear ? If I don’t know the details and specifics of fear, how it origins and operates, then how to delete it ? And we know that fear feeds anger and so the spiral of abuse goes. And we see the conflict in the world as a direct result.

I am serious because I in full debt and consideration take measure of my mind, and chose to work through it, with the very best tool of self forgiveness.

I use myself and my life and living as example - of being serious. I puzzle all that I have been, all my parts I dissolve and place back together after deleting the energy (addiction) involved. I am ser – I – us because I make myself incorrupt in relation to energies. I delete all the element that have led me to the reactions, voices in the head, addictions, fears, judgments, ignorance, believes and so on. I take life serious. Still though; I don’t want to separate myself into a “good person”, a “Jesus character”, personality construct, above others no. I just want to share my earnest, sincere, and honest consideration of how I live my life and the experiences such.

Either to blame any type of programing – because that is all it is. Programs. If I blame something or someone that is a signal that I have something to take responsibility for in my living.

So again it is to “know thy self” – meaning to know the physical, to know self from the flesh. To have a certain awareness of oneness energy relationship. To know how mind works, and gradually take charge of oneness mind and then ones living. To change. To be serious. It does not mean to be boring and dull and grey… no then we have missed the point. And besides that is a assumption and a judgment of others or self. To be serious it to learn self as all the self is, and to become responsible with ones process and living. To know the minds yoga and to learn how systems of mind works. To dissolve the mind systems before it manifests into further abuse. To take a stand for change. Real honest and genuine. And fail me not: being serious, can be done in a clownish and silly way ! That is serious. I chose to be serious and responsible, I chose to stand up !

These links are super – potent with the finest of support

– I am living proof

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