Lie to Me - Tv series! The truth is written all over our faces - Review

in #series8 years ago

Today I want to share with you one of my favourite TV series "Lie to Me", which unfortunately was ended after only 3 seasons, and I personally don't understand why, especially since has received so many appreciations.

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In 2010 he received two awards at the People's Choice Awards: Favorite TV Crime Drama and Favorite TV Crime Fighter.

The film is based on Paul Ekman discoveries psychologist, who studied emotions and their relationship with body language and facial expressions. Making it a basic classification of emotions: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise, amusement, contempt, embarrassment, excitement, guilt, pride, relief, gratitude, shame and pleasure.

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Dr. Cal Lightman is the main character, played by Tim Roth, who is a brilliant psychologist expert on body language, especially the micro-expressions. This is also the founder of a private company who help investigate various misdeeds applying psychology. He is divorced and has a daughter, Emily Lightman, being the only one who have managed to lie him for several times. She doesn't like it when her father tries to "read her", but she appreciates his ability.

A short biography of Tim Roth 

Tim Roth was born on May 14, 1961, in London. Tim grew up in salubrious surroundings of Dulwich community. At 17, Tim went to Camberwell School of Art to study sculpture, working more in bronze. He participated for a role in a musical adaptation of Dracula and landed the role of Count. 

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"That was the best choice I ever made," he remembers. Then he started to play various roles in theater, during which was supported financially by selling commercial space in newspapers by telephone. "I was not good at all," says the actor. 

Alan Clarke influenced him enormously, and this is prominent in Roth's directorial debut, The War Zone. After completing production Made in Britain, Clarke sent him beside Tim, knowing that there are auditions, there is the role of Mike Leigh Meantime. From here, Tim Roth's career climbed following "The Hit" starring Myron. But how was a fall in UK film industry in the late 80's he moved to the US. The first big role came only in Vincent and Theo by Robert Altman in Van Gogh's role. - Biography source -

A short biography of Kelli Williams

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Kelli Williams, born on June 8, 1970 in Los Angeles, California, is an American actress known for her roles in The Practice and Lie to Me.

She is the daughter of actress Shannon Wilcox and plastic surgeon John Williams. Her parents divorced when she was 13 years old. She earned her Screen Actors Guild card, appearing in advertisements and in several other commercials for children. She began her television career with a supporting role in an episode of the CBS series Beauty and the Beast, as the first victim in The Caseof of the Hillside Stranglers.

The actress said in the Marie Claire magazine that she has made breast implants when she was 19, but it has taken out after 3 years. She speaks French and Spanish, and she is voluntary in the Young Storytellers Foundation. - Biography source -

Dr. Gillian Foster, plays Lightman's colleague

Even if she is married, during the show can be observed a tension and teasing between the two. Eli Loker, another character who take part of Lightman's team, is the type of man who can't never lie, and sometimes seems lacking in diplomacy and rude. 

They also hires Ria Torres because Lightman noted the innate talent of her since she worked at TSA. Between Ria and Lightman, there are divergent, most of the times because he envies her for the talent she has, especially that he had to learn everything he knows.

The character of Dr. Cal Lightman brings a little irony and sarcasm as Dr. House, and with the idea of "I am the best in my field and you desperately need me."

The scenarios of the episodes are interesting and exciting, and I can say that you can learn from these series, and you can apply what you learn. It has intrigued me very much this idea of discovering a person from the body language and facial expressions. But, at the same time, it can be very hard for a person who could read your face expressions, to have a family or friends because they will think that you will try to read them even if you don't do it.

The point is that when you speak to a person you have to have eyes contact, and if you read all the micro-expressions, how you will deal with them when you find out that the person is lying to you. 

A short video with micro-expressions

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Lie To Me is an American television series. The main character is Dr. Cal Lightman who, aided by his colleague, Dr. Gillian Foster, detects deceit, people lies, analyzing body language and microexpressions and uses his talent for its clients. Cal and Gillian hires Ria, who seems to have a natural talent in detecting lies. Between the two there seems sometimes disagreements, perhaps because Lightman had to learn everything he knows, while Ria has a trained eye. During episodes, the team solved various cases of murder and also cases that are not so serious.


It's very interesting post!!
Exchellent work..Thank you for sharing :)

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I came back live because the post listed below is immoral. I will make something clear to all. I am not a bot, I use no auto codes, I do all manually, and I'm very good at everything I do, and put my hands on. You all sit around entertaining and supporting this evil person @berniesanders . You see how he does accounts in negative and treats them less than human. You see the way he bashes and abuses this blockchain and others. Those who support this immoral user who is a legend in his own mind and has won nothing, are now subject to the same tactics used before, with some new added since we want to go to another level of treating people unequal. I will come and fuck up every post painting it with truth and turning viewers and potential payers away, including new users. After all, I too am an artist. I see good people being misled, and clueless following as well. Post like this only aggravate situations, they never help. It's never good to go talking like that about others. So if you're as evil as he is, I'm coming for you. Now I made a promise to a friend to lay these accounts down for the benefit of a lot of things, and a lot of people. So, I now will show the world who is responsible for my quick return. @berniesanders is an immoral, evil, simple minded, heartless with his ways, human being. You want to fix a real life or blockchain problem, Take his ass out, and let the blockchain flourish. Take out the real trash. My flags and spam messages trying to have an equal voice never made me less than any of you. And we all well know, we see my messages as I go 1 by 1. So my friends, since this tyrannical person wants to continue to abuse others, I will remain on the server with all accounts live until @berniesanders is in the -negative reputation. I want him to know what it is like to be attacked into silence. We will see how he spams then to be heard. That is now the only cure for this virus created by abuse on humanity. Have a good day, keep smart ~ This Is A Call To Take Out The Real Trash ~ @berniesanders
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Operation - @berniesanders - Negative Rep. Account

Dear Users,
I came back live because the post listed below is immoral. I will make something clear to all. I am not a bot, I use no auto codes, I do all manually, and I'm very good at everything I do, and put my hands on. You all sit around entertaining and supporting this evil person @berniesanders . You see how he does accounts in negative and treats them less than human. You see the way he bashes and abuses this blockchain and others. Those who support this immoral user who is a legend in his own mind and has won nothing, are now subject to the same tactics used before, with some new added since we want to go to another level of treating people unequal. I will come and fuck up every post painting it with truth and turning viewers and potential payers away, including new users. After all, I too am an artist. I see good people being misled, and clueless following as well. Post like this only aggravate situations, they never help. It's never good to go talking like that about others. So if you're as evil as he is, I'm coming for you. Now I made a promise to a friend to lay these accounts down for the benefit of a lot of things, and a lot of people. So, I now will show the world who is responsible for my quick return. @berniesanders is an immoral, evil, simple minded, heartless with his ways, human being. You want to fix a real life or blockchain problem, Take his ass out, and let the blockchain flourish. Take out the real trash. My flags and spam messages trying to have an equal voice never made me less than any of you. And we all well know, we see my messages as I go 1 by 1. So my friends, since this tyrannical person wants to continue to abuse others, I will remain on the server with all accounts live until @berniesanders is in the -negative reputation. I want him to know what it is like to be attacked into silence. We will see how he spams then to be heard. That is now the only cure for this virus created by abuse on humanity. Have a good day, keep smart ~ This Is A Call To Take Out The Real Trash ~ @berniesanders
To those that disagree, flag away at me. It does not matter. Even at -100 I will have a voice.
These accounts used to fight are expendable and disposable. Only Fix Listed Above.
Sincerely, @iLoveUpvotes ~

Webwide (a.k.a.) EatinCrayons ~

These Messages & Flags Will Cease In Entirety When @berniesanders Account Is In The -Negative Reputation. Let Him Now Reap What He Has Sowed.

I love Lie to me! Ok, I like so much Tim Roth, he's one of my favorite actor ^_^

He is a great actor and 'Lie to Me' is really amazing. I don't know why they stopped the series.

Operation - @berniesanders - Negative Rep. Account

Dear Users,
I came back live because the post listed below is immoral. I will make something clear to all. I am not a bot, I use no auto codes, I do all manually, and I'm very good at everything I do, and put my hands on. You all sit around entertaining and supporting this evil person @berniesanders . You see how he does accounts in negative and treats them less than human. You see the way he bashes and abuses this blockchain and others. Those who support this immoral user who is a legend in his own mind and has won nothing, are now subject to the same tactics used before, with some new added since we want to go to another level of treating people unequal. I will come and fuck up every post painting it with truth and turning viewers and potential payers away, including new users. After all, I too am an artist. I see good people being misled, and clueless following as well. Post like this only aggravate situations, they never help. It's never good to go talking like that about others. So if you're as evil as he is, I'm coming for you. Now I made a promise to a friend to lay these accounts down for the benefit of a lot of things, and a lot of people. So, I now will show the world who is responsible for my quick return. @berniesanders is an immoral, evil, simple minded, heartless with his ways, human being. You want to fix a real life or blockchain problem, Take his ass out, and let the blockchain flourish. Take out the real trash. My flags and spam messages trying to have an equal voice never made me less than any of you. And we all well know, we see my messages as I go 1 by 1. So my friends, since this tyrannical person wants to continue to abuse others, I will remain on the server with all accounts live until @berniesanders is in the -negative reputation. I want him to know what it is like to be attacked into silence. We will see how he spams then to be heard. That is now the only cure for this virus created by abuse on humanity. Have a good day, keep smart ~ This Is A Call To Take Out The Real Trash ~ @berniesanders
To those that disagree, flag away at me. It does not matter. Even at -100 I will have a voice.
These accounts used to fight are expendable and disposable. Only Fix Listed Above.
Sincerely, @iLoveUpvotes ~

Webwide (a.k.a.) EatinCrayons ~

These Messages & Flags Will Cease In Entirety When @berniesanders Account Is In The -Negative Reputation. Let Him Now Reap What He Has Sowed.

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