9/11 Forever Remembered at Home and Around the World

in #september117 years ago (edited)

Sixteen years have seemingly flown by since that fateful morning on 9/11
that the United States and the world was changed forever. As life
endures, every year, on that never-to-be-forgotten day, we stop and
become one to pay homage to those lost because of ignorance and

As 9/11 approached in 2017 mother nature is pounding her almighty fist,
tossing at us hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires like we have never
witnessed before. It is as if she is shouting at us to stop and work as
one again to find peace. As we battle together against natural
disasters, we all will also be remembering the day that a very unnatural
tragedy took place.

The years have flown by watching our children grow. The new World Trade
Center tower has been completed and now stands tall into the sky as a
new beacon of hope, freedom and remembrance. 9/11 will never be

Terror Hits Home on 9/11

The New York metro area on that Tuesday 9/11, 2001 was an amazing clear
and beautiful morning with the sun gleaming in a lovely blue sky. On
that morning, just as every other early a.m., as I drove to work, I
watched the planes fly over my car towards JFK airport in their normal
landing pattern.

Relishing the picturesque day, as I listened to music on the car radio,
news suddenly broke in reporting that the North World Trade Tower was
hit by a plane. Immediately I thought, “What inexperienced pilot was so
thoughtless or arrogant to fly a plane so close to the tall buildings.”
Who knew that soon our world would be changed forever, for no one
immediately imagined that we were now in a war zone.

By the time I entered my office the news of the second plane hitting was
now coming over the air waves. Listening to the news in disbelief, it is
broadcasted that an airplane just hit the Pentagon as well. It is now
revealed that terrorists had hijacked planes to literally use as bombs
to attack our country.

Stunned and shocked we listen to the report of a fourth airplane
crashing in a Pennsylvania field, mourning the loss of the brave souls
who fought to down the terrorists taking over their plane. More news
stunned our lives with the falling of the towers. Within a matter of
moments, it was abundantly clear that war had come to our shores. New
York, Washington, Pennsylvania... what was to be next.

Our country had been attacked a mere 25 short miles away from my home. I
rushed back to my small town to pick up my then six-year-old daughter
from first grade. I hugged her tightly knowing we were together alive
and still safe. As parents rushed to their children on that day all we
knew was that we needed to be with our loved ones. The school did not
call us... it was our hearts that took over.

Life Forever Changed on 9/11 2001

Drawn to the beach on 9/11 16-years ago, not to relax in the sunshine
but to view the skyline, we prayed together as we witnessed the smoke
rising from Ground Zero. Eerily the smoke created a shadow that appeared
to be a likeness of Bin Laden’s face. Every day after, the smoke
continued to fill the sky and the constant sound of fighter jets flying
above clearly gave us a reminder to never forget.

With the days and weeks that followed, even as the smoke subsided, life
would never again be what we remembered as our "normal.”

Before 9/11 my work as an interior designer was thriving and busy. After
9/11 our country was thrust into war and the economy suffered.

I now sit here writing my words to the world, something that perhaps I
would never be doing if not for that day. I always enjoyed writing for
myself, never thinking that one day I would spread my words to the
masses as a journalist. After 9/11 life forever changed.

That day of horror caused many of us to relish what we have and to
reinvent ourselves in the wake of an economic downfall. Writing became
more than just a creative outlet for me. Soul searching assisted me in
finding the courage to use my innate wordsmith abilities to spread my
knowledge, assist others, and to be a part of our huge world.

Despite terrorists’ actions and attempts following that September day in
2001, the US has risen from the ashes to gain strength with every year
that passes. The story of the history of the "The Star Spangled
holds true for every attack made
towards our country and freedoms.

"And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!"

With the sun shining down reflecting in the pools at the World Trade
Center site, it is a somber and important reminder. We must never fail
to recall when the planes crashed like bombs, and the world was changed
forever. May we never forget those lost that day, and the many lives
lost and changed as a result of the recovery efforts, and battles abroad
that have followed.

As life continues to go on we must pass on the memories of that fateful
day. Forever 9/11 will take hold of our hearts as if enveloping one in
the arms of the spirits lost as its result.

Embrace life every day and all that it offers. Never be afraid to dance!


How do you STILL believe the official story Carol? .. so many critical academic papers discuss the events of that day in a different way from the 9/11 commission report - https://www.europhysicsnews.org/articles/epn/pdf/2016/04/epn2016474p21.pdf
this one is great. If you are interested let me know and I will post for you a list of academic papers discussing 9/11

If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.

- Mahatma Gandhi

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