How to quickly check seo Blog or Website

in #seo7 years ago

Next time I will discuss about how to check the quality of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in an article / page Blog or Website that we have. To do this we will use an online tool that seositecheckup , this tool also can make comparisons quality seo blog / web competitors that we set. The information provided by this tool very complete so that we can know the pluses and minuses of quality SEO on your blog or on our website.


Some of the items to be checked by seositecheckup are:
General SEO
meta Title
meta Description
keyword Usage

Headings Status

Status Headings
Test robots.txt
Test Sitemap
Broken Links Test
SEO Friendly URLs Test
Image Alt Test
Inline CSS Test
Deprecated HTML Tags
Google Analytics Test
favicon Test
Backlinks Checker
JS Error Checker
Social Media Check
HTML Page Size Test
HTML Compression / GZIP Test
Site Loading Speed ​​Test
Page Objects
Page Cache Test (Server Side Caching)
flash Test
Expires Tag Image Test
JS Minification Test
CSS Minification Test
Nested Tables Test
frameset Test
doctype Test
URL Redirects Checker
Server & Security
URL Canonicalization Test
Safe Browsing Test
Server Signature Test
Directory Browsing Test
Libwww-perl Access Test
Emails plaintext Test
Mobile Usability
Media Query Responsive Test
Mobile Snapshot
Advanced SEO
Schema Microdata Test
Noindex tag Checker
Canonical Tag Checker
Nofollow Tag Checker
Disallow Directive Checker
SPF records checker

cek seo

For Seositecheckup free edition can only be used once a day on the same IP address, so you have to wait until tomorrow to check the SEO back. In addition to providing information about the weaknesses in your blog or website seositecheckup also provide tips / how to fix them.

Some of the features provided by seositecheckup:
Meta Tags Analyzer
Examination of meta-tags in your page. Check whether the meta title tags, meta description tags, meta tags and meta robots tag key words are available and offer relevant information about your page. Meta tags do not affect the look of your page, but it will show on the search engine of your page topic and what text to display when your pages listed in search engine results.
Google Search Results Preview
Examination of how your page might appear in Google search results. Google search results are usually using your web page title, URL and meta-description to display a summary of relevant information about your site. If this element is too long, Google will cut content. Web page titles of up to 70 characters, and descriptions of web pages with a maximum length of 160 characters is recommended to optimize readability.
Most Common Keywords Test
Examination of the most common keywords in your page and use (number of times used). This can help to provide a brief overview of keywords and topics that might be associated by the crawlers to your web pages.
Keywords Cloud
Keywords cloud is a visual representation of keywords used on your site. It will be the words that are often used in the content of your web pages. Keywords that have a higher density are presented in uppercase and presented in alphabetical order.
Related keywords
Related keywords will show the search terms in the URL specified and appear in the top 20 organic search results.
domain Competitor
Shows some of the possible contenders for your domain.
H1 and H2 tags Test
Examination of whether the content of your webpage using H2 and H2 header tag any HTML. The title tag is not seen by users, but helps to explain and support the overall theme or purpose of your pages to search engines. H1 tags represent the most important title, ie., Title pages or blog entries. Tag H2 represents the second most important titles on a webpage, for example, subheadings.
test Robots.txt
Check your site is using a robots.txt file. When search engine robots crawl the web site, they usually access the robots.txt file. Robots.txt tells Googlebot and other crawlers are and should not be crawled on your site.
test Sitemap
Examination of whether the website has a sitemap. Sitemap important because it contains a list of all pages of the website and let the search engine crawlers crawl the site more intelligently. Sitemap also provide useful metadata for each web page.
Test Broken Link
Examination of whether your site has broken or dead links. This tool scans your web site to find a broken internal links (pointing to your web site) and external broken links (leading to the outside of your website). Broken link negatively impact the overall user experience and damage your web site rankings in search engines.
SEO Friendly URL test
Examination of whether the URL of your webpage SEO friendly. For the link to be SEO friendly, the keyword should contain keywords relevant to the topic of the page, and does not contain spaces, underscores and other characters. You should avoid using parameters whenever possible, because the URL is less inviting users to click or share. Google's suggestions to determine the structure of the URL uses a dash or hyphen (-) rather than underscore (_). Unlike underlines, Google treats the hyphen as a separator between words in the URL.
Test Alt Image
Examination of whether the image on your Web page using the alt attribute. If the image can not be displayed (for example, because the source image is damaged, a slow Internet connection, etc.), The alt attribute provides alternative information. Using keywords and relevant text in the alt attribute to help users and search engines interpret the subject of the picture better.
Test Inline CSS
Examination of your web page's HTML tag for Inline CSS properties. Property inline CSS added using the style attribute within certain HTML tags. Inline CSS property does not need to increase the size of the page, and can be transferred to an external CSS stylesheet. Removing the inline CSS properties can increase the page loading time and make site maintenance easier.
HTML tags are Not Applicable
Examination of whether your web pages using HTML tags are old and no longer valid. This tag will eventually lose the support of your web browser and the page may be incorrect due to release browser support for this tag.
Test Google Analytics
Examination of whether your site is linked to Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a free website analysis tool that is popular which helps provide insight into traffic and demographics of your site.
test Favicon
Examination of whether the sites you use and apply favicon correctly. A favicon is a small icon that appears in the navigation bar of your browser URL. They also stored next to the title of your current URLs of your pages are marked. This helps brand your site and allows users to navigate to your site in the list of bookmarks.
Backlinks Checker
Tests to see backlinks to your site. A backlink is a link to your website from external sites. Relevant backlinks from authority sites is essential for higher search rankings
Test Schema Microdata
Examination of whether your website using HTML Microdata specifications (or the structured data markup). The search engine uses microdata to better understand the content of your site and create rich snippets in search results (which help to improve click-through to your site).
NoFollow Tag Test
Examination of whether your web page using the nofollow meta tag. Outgoing links marked with this tag will tell search engines not to follow or crawl a specific link it. Google recommends that the nofollow tag is used for paid ads on your site and links to pages that have not been examined as a trusted site (for example, links posted by users of your site).
Disallow directive Checker
Examination of whether your robots.txt file instructs the search engine crawlers to avoid part of your site. Disallow use robots.txt to tell search engines not to crawl and index the file, page or directory.
SPF Test Record
Examination of whether your DNS records contain an SPF record. SPF (Sender Policy Framework) enables email systems verify whether a particular mail server is authorized to send mail on behalf of your domain. Creating an SPF record increase email delivery rates by reducing the likelihood of your email being marked as spam.

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