in #seo6 years ago (edited)


At Alh Sistemas we are aware of the evolution that electronic commerce has undergone in recent years. Today it is not enough to have a functional and attractive website. For a website to be profitable and to report real benefits, it is essential that it be well positioned. For this, it must comply with some basic principles such as the constant updating of contents that work as a response to the doubts that may arise to potential customers or respect the quality rules within the main search engines of the network. In addition, it is essential to have a level of basic optimization that covers both the technological dimension and the semantics of the information contained within the platform. The goal will be to place our website within the top positions in the search results. But, why do we need to optimize position? The answer is easy. When a web page appears in the first search positions the flow of visitors increases exponentially so that the number of unique users and readings of our content multiply. In addition, when an optimal positioning is made, not only will we receive a greater number of users, but they will be correctly segmented. In this way the conversion ratios will increase, which will translate into more sales, more customers and more benefits.

However, if a web page does not invest resources in its positioning, it is most likely destined to become a ghost page where the ratio of visits is minimal or non-existent in the worst case. Having a poorly positioned web page is synonymous with not having a website because despite having it, it is invisible to the world. The degree of competitiveness of the business in digital environments depends directly on its correct positioning. For this condition is, a company must not only have a web page optimized from the technical point of view, but also must provide a positive user experience and must have a content strategy based on strategic word planning key and diffusion in digital media. Through this plan of action and visibility, what we are looking for is to convert a business into a competitive business capable of generating profits.

For this, the most advisable thing is to surround yourself with a specialized team capable of providing advice to the entire team of a company to ensure an efficient digital transformation. The transformation process must include the development of a corporate identity adaptable to any digital environment, a study of the potential client and its needs, the design of a marketing strategy and a plan of actions focused on social networks. The result is an increasing flow of daily visits that come from segmented users and interested in the products or services offered on a web page. At Alh Sistemas we are specialized in digital marketing and SEO positioning. Contact us to receive more information about it.

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