What is SEO and how it works?

in #seo3 years ago (edited)


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the act of optimizing your website or blog in order to help it show up in a search engine’s result page

SEO is a process of optimization. It means you must perform certain activities to improve your website.

The way what SEO process can help your website or blog appear in a search engine’s search results page depends on a few factors including the following:

  • The site’s link structure
  • The frequency of your website being search for
  • The number of keywords used

How to optimize my website or blog?

You should optimize your site, that is why I am going to tell you how to optimize your website. There are many resources available where you can find all this information. You should use these to understand the best way of optimizing your websites, or blog.

Before starting to optimize your sites or blogs for SEO, there are some basic things you should know.

What should be optimized?

There are two kinds of websites SEO and content SEO, you can think this as a combination.

Content: this is the content of your site related to the keyword you are trying to optimize.

SEO: this is the same, you should optimize your website’s site content.

What is a keyword?

A keyword is a word that the search engine looks for when it searches for that word.

For instance, in a search, Google uses the term ‘“nike”‘. We can see that the search engine is looking for a certain word. It is looking for the words that are related to the keyword ‘“nike”‘.

So, in the search result page, we can see the website name, then the keywords that the search engine is looking for are displayed.

You can say that the keyword is not actually the actual keyword that is being searched for. The actual keyword is called the keyword tool and it is an important tool that you should know about.

When you learn the keyword and how to identify this, you will be able to find the key phrases that are related to the specific keyword that you are aiming to optimize.

The keywords should be specific. For instance, if the search starts with, “nike” as in ‘“nike shoes”‘, you need to start your keyword optimization process with the phrases like ‘“nike” shoe’ or a similar phrase that contains word that matches with the word that you are optimizing.

You can also start your keyword optimization process by using some common words in your keywords, like “business” “technology” or “sports”. These common keywords will help to define some words that have some synonyms within a certain language like language.

A great website might be for real estate, real estate in Delhi or to do business over a site, but what does real estate mean? To do business is to buy or sell real estate. To do business over a website means to link your personal website to that of a real estate company.

To do a search for real estate company, you could search, “Real estate companies India” and you will see only those that have the word “Real Estate” and the phrase “Real Estate Companies India”.

So, to do a search for real estate in India, you would search for “Real Estate Company in India”.

How effective are the keywords?

So, if someone searches for any of these terms or phrases on Google, you can see that most of the search results are related to the keyword or phrases.

The keyword tool is very helpful for you to find more keywords that you can optimize your website or blog for SEO. The keyword tool is not going to be as precise as the real one, you cannot use words that are only related to the keywords.

Your keywords should be specific. So, you will see a lot of websites that are using the same keyword phrase. In these cases, it means that the keyword phrase is not being used. It is being optimized by some people, but that is only SEO optimization and not a real SEO.

It is better to use the real keyword tool than the keyword tool because it is a real tool.

The reason why real keyword tool is better than the real keyword is because real keyword is a much more powerful tool.

In other words, people can get relevant results because it is based on a real metric and not just what is being used as a search term.

What is your website structure?

Now that you have known about SEO optimization, and SEO ranking, it’s time to start doing some research on SEO tactics. You’ll see how an SEO company does it, and the best methods for SEO rank you can do yourself. It's all about SEO ranking. What you are actually trying to do is get a backlinks and rank highly in search engines.


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