The difference and connection between SEO and SEM

in #seo3 years ago

People who deal with search engines will know SEO and SEM, just as we know dishes and chopsticks when we eat. Because of the information asymmetry, there are still a large number of people who do not know the difference and connection between SEO and SEM. This paper expounds the difference and connection between them from a more detailed point of view. As a popular science article of search engine terms, we hope that more friends who are engaged in search engine work can understand and be familiar with SEO and SEM.

1: SEO and SEM are both marketing methods based on search engine.

Because users have search needs, so search engine has its inherent large number of users. Because of the existence of users, there are a lot of marketing practitioners based on search engine. The crowd means opportunities, and the opportunity means the need for marketing. Both of them are ways of using search engine to do marketing.

2: What does SEO mean?

According to the official explanation, SEO = search engine optimization, the abbreviation of three words, namely search engine optimization, is to use the rules of search engines to improve the natural ranking of websites in relevant search engines. The purpose is to provide ecological self marketing solutions for the website, so that it can occupy a position in the industry and obtain brand income.

3: What does SEM mean?

SEM, the abbreviation of search engine marketing, is called search engine marketing, usually called "SEM". According to the way users use the search engine, the marketing information will be transferred to the target users as much as possible. In short, search engine marketing is network marketing based on search engine platform, which makes use of people's dependence on search engine and usage habits to transfer information to target users when people retrieve information. The basic idea of search engine marketing is to let users find information, and enter the web page by clicking to further understand the information they need. Enterprises through the search engine payment promotion, so that users can directly communicate with the company customer service, understand, realize the transaction.

4: What are the differences and connections between SEO and SEM?

Generally speaking, SEO is a natural ranking through technical means, while SEM broadly includes SEO natural ranking and pay per click promotion. They are the relationship between inclusion and inclusion.

1: Analysis from the onset cycle, SEO will not take effect in a short time, general SEO is to rely on the technical means of the optimizer to do up the ranking, so the keyword ranking home page has a certain cycle. And SEM mainly put in bidding, pay to open an account, audit good qualification keywords can go online.

2: From the perspective of price, SEO generally has billing by day and package year. If you look at the billing displayed on the home page or the first three pages, it has nothing to do with the number of clicks. SEM is mainly charged according to the keyword price and the number of clicks.

3: From the difficulty of analysis, SEO is not necessarily every keyword can optimize on baidu home page, I believe that do Baidu SEO friends must know. If the difficulty of individual keywords is relatively large, it is generally difficult to optimize on baidu home page, and even on the home page is not stable. Of course, if it is SEM, as long as the price set high, difficult keywords can also be put on the home page for a long time.

4: From the aspect of presentation, the title of SEO is usually set by the core keywords, and the titles of home page, column page and detail page usually have certain writing methods and rules. The title of SEM is more about creativity and click through rate, which is more like the title of we media advertisement.

5: From the stability of keyword ranking analysis, SEO generally do on the home page keywords, as long as has been in maintenance, generally is more stable. SEM is the need to continue to invest in bidding costs, in order to have been ranked in the advertising space.

6: From the analysis of conversion rate, SEO is the ranking of snapshot bit, which is generally below the SEM advertising bit, so the click through rate of SEM will be relatively high. Of course, the conversion rate is not only related to the website click through rate, but also related to the effect of website design, the quality of copywriting and the professionalism of enterprise sales personnel.

7: Summarize the characteristics of SEO for slow effect, once the effect will be very stable and accurate flow.

Although SEO is a kind of natural traffic, it will take a longer time to do SEO optimization. However, its customer traffic can not be compared with other traffic, because it comes from comparison. The ranking will not drop significantly in a short time, even if the keyword optimization is done.

8: Sum up the characteristics of SEM for quick effect, high investment.

SEM is a form of paid traffic. Compared with SEO, its traffic will take effect faster. However, compared with SEO, the bad point is that the number of customers it comes to is not large, and most of them have a large bounce rate.

Alan SEO comments:

The connection between SEO and SEM is mainly reflected in the way of search engine marketing, and the difference between them is mainly reflected in the specific marketing effect level, such as effective time and investment. They can be used at the same time to make up for their own shortcomings and give full play to their respective advantages


Great article! We have also written a blog post about the difference between SEM and SEO, as website owners often get confused as to how these work. If I may add, SEM also offers immediate results, unlike SEO. It would probably take months before it begins to rank on search engines if you solely rely on SEO.

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