How to properly cultivate your sexual energy according to the Toa

-taoism is an ancient science.

-training the mind

-undistracted unbound you are capable

-the sexual glands are endowed with gods power

-you can create intelligent life

-organize in the sexual glands and life is cultivated

-life is powered

-the sexual gland is a fire that helps rejuvenate all life

-the life force that dwells in you also dwells in all things

-when unbalanced the sexual gland disrupts the mental and physical body

-it causes depression, disease, aging

-when balanced all the bodies biological functions are improved tremendously

-conscious rejuvenation = anti aging

-cultivating the everlasting forces of harmony

-boosting your bodies circuits and connections

-by learning to share true love you will receive true love

-then you will understand the nature of god

-you become fulfilled when your sexual nature achieves a spiritual purpose

-the goal being to eventually incarnate gods nature to the fullest

congratulations your search for the fountain of youth ends here.

the key to regenerating the body and healing the sexual organs depend on your ability to do a simple yet effective daily exercise that will strengthen, tone, and condition your inner body. retention isn't enough you must pull and work the energy upward through exercise which will allow you to cultivate the energy tremendously. ejaculation in the male causes a great loss of energy and vitality. although frowned upon it is not restricted but one should know that it is one of the most precious and useful substances found in the male body. a sacred elixir that when cultivated becomes the very fire pushing your creativity and driving your being. ejaculation is considered to be a great sacrifice for the man. spiritually, mentally, physically. according to the toa ejaculation going outward of the body is the direction of the human being. even when used to create life weakens and brings the body closer to death. however moving the energy upward towards the divine or the inner being leads to an immortal and divine life full of energy, power, and dominance. that doesn't mean sex looses its pleasure, its the opposite. by learning how to injaculate you will retain and save precious energy, feel more connected and energetic during sex, as well as last much longer. injaculating is simply the practice of the man having his orgasm without loosing his semen and life force. again there are many techniques used to achieve this. the most coveted of all is the deer exercise. what it is and how it is used will be covered. for now the principle and purpose of this must be explained, digested, and understood. seminal retention has gained a lot of attention yet people reduce it to a simple base urge which once ignored will help them obtain super human powers. they fail to note the sexual benefits which tie into the circuitry of the human body. its all about charging yourself up with your natural testosterone. this fluid build up in your body and awakens dormant parts of your mind but only when properly cultivated will you see the real benefit reveal itself.

the deer exercise will build up the tissues of the sexual organs and draw the energy up through the sacred centers of the body. It is a spiritual exercise just as much as it mental or physical. It will greatly improve your sexual abilities and build up your energy reserves. your mental faculties will improve along with a heightened sense of inner peace and tranquility with all things that surround you. If you feel lost, disconnected, or confused then state of your being is in jeopardy. this simple exercise will work wonders for your mind.

deer .jpg

here is the full technique according to the toa of sexology

first stage

(the purpose of this stage is to encourage semen production . )

I . rub the palms of your hands together vigorously . this creates heat in
your hands by bringing the energy of your body into your hands and

  1. with your right hand , cup your testicles so that the palm of your hand completely covers them . (this exercise is best done without clothing . ) do not squeeze . just a slight pressure should be felt , as well as the heat
    from your hand .
  2. place the palm of your left hand on the area of your pubis , one inch
    below your navel .
  3. with a slight pressure so that a gentle warmth begins to build in the
    area of your pubis , move your left hand in clockwise or counterclockwise
    circles eighty-one times .
    5 . rub your hands together vigorously again .
  4. reverse. the position of your hands so that your left hand cups your
    testicles and your right hand is on your pubis . repeat the circular rubbing
    in the opposite direction another eighty-one times . concentrate on what
    you are doing , and feel the warmth grow.

it is very important that you concentrate on the purpose
of the physical motions , for doing so will enhance the results .
it will unify the body and mind to bring full power to our purpose .
never try to use the mind to force the natural processes by imagining fires growing in
the pubic area, or any other area . this is dangerous .

second state

1 . tighten the muscles around your anus and draw them up and in.
when done properly it will feel as if air is being drawn up your rectum , or
as if your entire anal area is being drawn in and upward . tighten as hard
as you can and hold as long as you are able to do so comfortably .

  1. stop and relax a moment.
  2. repeat the anal contractions . do this as many times as you can
    without feeling discomfort.

do this first thing in the morning and at night for best results.

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