How To Sell Your House In Lagos

in #sell6 years ago


The process of selling a property in Lagos can be quite challenging, especially in a city as Lagos. Regardless of whether you are going about it yourself or getting the assistance of a real estate agent, the idea is always tedious. First, you get to weigh all the time and financial commitment it cost you to buy a property in Lagos or apartments for rent in lagos even build one.

If you have ever been to Lagos, you are undoubtedly aware that Lagos is a tricky city. With a good number of people ready to advantage of your ignorance in a heartbeat. The reputation of the city is one reason why selling a property here require some amount of care in order not to lose money to real estate scammers.

Before putting your property out for sale, there are quite a number of things to put in place. Some of which include: preparing your property for sale, knowing the value of your property, setting the price range of the property and others. With these in place, you are partly ready to sell off your property.

Selling your house fast in Lagos, requires you to tailor it to attract the right buyers. Whether you are the homeowner or a real estate agent, here are a few free tips on how to sell your house in Lagos.

Prepare your house for sale

This is arguably one of the most important aspects in the process of selling a house. Lagos houses a large number of real estate agents with properties in different parts of the city. Some with more years of experience than others. With that in mind, needless to say, to reach the right potential property buyers, you will need to do more.

Keeping in mind that top on your priority list is “selling your property”, it is important to make your house sellable. As a result of the fact that there are many properties in Lagos, the competition in high when it comes to selling. In preparing your house for sale, you would need to dejunk the house. This means, removing unnecessary items from the house, free up the space and ensure the house doesn’t look jampacked.

The goal is to sell your house at the end of the day, therefore you might want to ensure your house is in good condition. That is, make repairs in the house, repaint the interior and exterior, clean up every part of the house and replace worn out facilities. Truth is, living in Lagos is challenging, no one want to buy a property and then spend so much on repairs. Making your house sellable and keeping it in good condition increasing your chances of selling it out faster.

Explore different platforms

If you are looking to sell your property really fast, you might want to explore various marketing platforms. Lagos is a busy and fast moving city, the regular traditional methods of selling properties is fast getting outdated. Technology has enhanced the online of sales, causing businesses to shift patterns.

The offline platform is the traditional method of real estate transaction. This mostly involves putting up a ‘house for sale’ banner in the front of the house, getting referrals from friends and family, using a real estate agent or even trying out a personal approach.

The online methods involves leveraging on technology to reach a wider crowd. You can advertise your property on online real estate platforms such as and other as well as social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. One of the advantages no advertising on online platform is that you can show off flattering and professional pictures which will help your property get more attention. It also helps you to skip the cost of hiring a real estate agent.

Keep your prices open to negotiations

After finding out the value or worth of your house, it is important to set your price range. However, setting a definite or fixed price for your property limits the amount of potential buyers you are bound to get. Most home sellers fix a ridiculous prices which drive buyers away before they even get to see the property in question.

Keeping your prices open for negotiations is important as you should keep in mind what the market conditions are at the time of sale. Think of how far you will be willing to bend over backwards in terms of the price and financial transaction. If you are using an online real estate platform such as

Close the deal

This is the goal at the end of the day, to close the deal. This is the last and most important part of the sales process. No one wants to come this far only to end up with a bad deal or not to close the deal at all. This is the stage where you get the buyer to finally make payment, finish up the financial transactions as well as the property papers.


Selling a property can indeed be quite challenging, especially in a city like Lagos. I agree with you that it's important to take precautions to avoid losing money to real estate scammers. Preparing your property for sale, knowing its value, and setting a fair price are all crucial steps.
But let's talk about closing the deal. This is where you seal the deal and finalize the financial transactions and property papers. It's crucial to ensure that everything is in order before you hand over the property to the buyer. If you're looking for a reliable way to sell your property in Lagos, you should check out They can help you sell a fire-damaged house in Texas as well.

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