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RE: Is physical beauty more important?

in #selflove7 years ago

So its seems as if your problem is with your inner Self....
First and foremost reject social media. It is a tool to be used to share ideas, knowledge, thoughts and creation, not a basis for judging your value. Steem seems to be a great exception to the norm, but the great majority of social media sites are used mainly to express superficial vanity. They can greatly reinforce the way you see yourself, and either encourage your positive growth or negatively wear on your inner psyche.... When you judge someone's worth based on a headshot and instagram pictures you don't truly see them, you see the image that you think they are (its amazing how much of a difference lighting and camera angles can make).

All these problems you mention can and most likely will be changed by the river of time, its a slow process but looking back at where you once were its amazing to see how much growth truly happens without our conscious minds ever noticing. Your quest for knowledge and philosophy will greatly sharpen your mind if you feed it well enough (knowledge is to the mind what food is to the body, if you put good in you get good out but if you feed it shit you'll get nothing but shit), and eventually you'll move out on your own and be stronger for facing the struggle for without pain and strife there is no evolution.

The old adage goes that real beauty lies inside, because your outer self is the reflection of your inner self. Every thought you have and every emotion you feel gets sent out as energy into the world around you, attracting those along similar wavelengths and repelling those on opposite ends of the spectrum, which is a new-age way of saying that when you feel good about yourself everyone around you can sense it, attracting others who are happy and repelling those who arent (the ones who arent seem to love throwing off their negatives at someone happier then them).

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