The Importance of Energy

We all have energy. It took me years to realize this and a few more years to buy into it. For a very long time I believed I was a hunk of meat walking around and that was it. Over time I would observe that some people around me were very positive and things just seemed to go "right". They frequently got lucky and they usually were more successful than others in their endeavors. I also came across people who seemed heavier and negative. Things didn’t' go their way. They had to work harder for things and it seemed like freaky accidents would happen quite frequently to these people. I didn't know if I believed in luck, but if luck was real they apparently did not have it. I was one of these people.

What was the differentiating factor? Were the "lucky" people more intelligent? As I studied them I concluded that some were more intelligent and some were not. Regardless, they still seemed to have this energy around them that was more positive and “luckier”. I also observed extremely intelligent people who were "unlucky" and had a more negative persona. I was one of them. So, intelligence was not the dynamic I was observing.

Was it something exterior? Maybe affluent circumstances like a better financial condition? Better health? Better friends and family? I wondered if these exterior circumstances were providing some sort of advantage. Again, as I studied people I saw "lucky" people who had poor circumstances in some of these areas but it did not seem to slow them down. And I also observed "unlucky" people who had great finances, were in good health, and had amazing friends and family...but they were still negative and unlucky. These positive exterior circumstances could not pull these people out of the "unluckiness".
For quite some time this stumped me. Another thing I began to observe is how I felt around these two groups of people. When I was around the "lucky" people, I felt better. I felt more positive, I felt encouraged, and I even noticed more things would go right for me personally! And when I was with the "unlucky" types of people I noticed that I felt drained. My energy would go down, I felt heavy, I'd have more accidents and "oops" moments, and overall it would just feel taxing for me. This stumped me even more. Not only did certain people seem more lucky and positive than others, but those people also effected how lucky and positive I felt when I was around them.

This bothered me enough to cause me to go looking for an answer. Through all my studying, I concluded that we all have sort of energy. This has been called our "spirit", our aura, our chi, élan vital, life force, etc. I was not the only one who made this observation. Not only did it appear that we all have an energy force, but it also became apparent that this energy could be positive and negative. This made sense to me. If we did not have an energy or force of life, then we'd just be hunks of meat! This energy animates us, intermingles with our environments, attracts certain outcomes, detracts certain outcomes, and effects those around us. This energy has a lot to do with our past experiences, our current believes, our current behaviors, and overall who we are choosing to be. This energy can be controlled via those same terminals.

If this energy is real and if it is based on us as individuals, then we have some degree of control over it right? For me personally, I've learned that by addressing negative past events, focusing on pleasurable moments, and doing things that are good for me and for others, this energy can be improved. The great thing about it is that as this energy improves so does my life. It doesn't just help me in one area, but rather my spirituality improves, my mental clarity is better, I am healthier physically, my finances improve, I am able to achieve more at work.... this list of benefits has gotten continually better!

My company helps people address this in their finances. Many times, we have a negative financial outcome because of wrong information we were given, negative past experiences, not giving ourselves credit when we do make wise financial moves, and ultimately not having an ambitious goal to pursue with our money. If you'd like to improve your finances and see if this system works for you the way it has for me, then contact meAGCG Logo.jpg to speak with one of my Wealth Coaches.

Own your potential!

Jerry Fetta

Jerry Fetta is an Entrepreneur and Owner of A.G. Capital Group, the nation's first and foremost Real Estate based Wealth Coaching firm. We help our client's build a Life by Design.

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