Selfie time | Pregunta rápida ❤

in #selfie5 years ago

Hola, espero tenga un genial comienzo de semana, quisiera saber que temas son los que más les gusta leer, en dos semanas les estaré relatando mi historia de emigración (estoy en tramites y pronto me voy) espero poder contarles todo a través de mi blog. Saludos y exitos!❤


Hello, I hope you have a great start to the week, I would like to know which topics are the ones you like to read the most, in two weeks I will be telling you my story about emigration (I'm in the process and soon I'm leaving) I hope to tell you everything through my blog . Greetings and success! ❤

olá você tem Facebook? se tiver me manda aqui pelo comentário, beijo linda

I like when you tell us what is happening over there because the TV news are not very trustworthy these days.

I hope you finally get a decent way of life. That country is not good for you anymore. 😞

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