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in #selfhacks6 years ago (edited)

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Uh oh….

Seems appropriate! I’ve been up since 3 am- heart pounding from a pretty rough nightmare in which my life was in danger. Not sure if there’s a gas leak in the basement, (we have detectors for all that stuff and they all seem to be working) or stress, or just jet lag.

Apparently nightmares coming off the back of a time change is a thing. Just your body’s reaction to disorientation and exhaustion creating a fear response. I keep telling myself...

I am safe.

I everything is ok.

I’ll get there when I get there.

That’s the attitude I’m going to try to adopt today, and I’m doing my best to set myself up for success by doing all the little self hacks I know. What are they you ask?


Water with lemons, yes. There’s no wrong way to do this, but my favorite is when the waters and lemon have been in the fridge over night. Something I didn’t set up for myself, but I have access to cold water so in the lemons went and I’m sipping away as I write to you.

Even if you’re not fighting a time hangover, or anxiety or depression lemon water is awesome to kick your brain out of a sleepy morning fog and into the land of the living… (not just existing)


Sure you’re probably sick of hearing it from me, but when I do yoga, I feel better. There are actual toxins that are hanging around your body, all this stagnation that needs to be flushed out before you can start feeling better. Just move.

Maybe that’s not yoga for you- but try to move in the morning, I’ve been also enjoying an app called WAKEOUT- which I think I may do my first @steemhunt post about this week.

PLEASE JUST MOVE. Especially if you’re having a weird mental health day, sun, oxygen, water and movement need to be your top priorities, it’s what we humans need to function.


When I’m feeling on edge and sensitive to seemingly everything, I cut out the uppers and downers as much as I can. Namely caffeine and alcohol. I bought some lovely ginger honey tea yesterday which I’ll be enjoying with some almond milk in turmeric because I’m a hipster scumbag- but also because it’s super delicious, calming, and caffeine free.

Also turmeric is making my skin nice again after a year of awful hormonal skin problems. And helping my back inflammation. Turmeric is fire.


no, it's not Cypher. no it's not....

Personally, I’m sensitive to additives, preservatives, dyes and chemicals in food in general. You may live in a country where the laws prevent these things from entering the marketplace, but if you don’t, try to be a bit more careful and read those labels. So often we blame ourselves for feeling out of whack when there’s an entire cocktail of chemical reactions happening in our bodies that may be contributing.

For me, eating minimally processed and simply works best. Rice, vegetables, fruits, organic or home made soups. The fewer the ingredients, the better I feel.


If you can, take a day or half day off from work, if you can’t take time off work, make work more comfortable by wearing cozy clothes, or sitting at your desk with a fuzzy hot water bottle and lighting a damn candle. Just make your immediate world soft a cushy and a bit kinder- it goes a long way.


My way of being kind to myself was to buy myself a three-stalked desk mate who I've named Bam-Bae- (yesterday's post)

Sure I’m writing these tips to you as a know it all who clearly has her life together waking up in panics at 3 am! ;) But please know these are the steps I’ll be taking today to keep myself together, and if you’re feeling similarly, I hope they help you as well.

<3 Good Morning Friends
Here’s to trying again!


i think those are solid especially great tips for people who have jetlag or who are going to be swapping into a lot of different timezones you know? i think you crushed it. welcome to thursday! :)

Daw thanks hunny- feels a bit like swimming up stream at the moment, but ill get there :) <3

i have two hot water bottles in my desk at work, they dont seem to make the day go by quicker though! Yes I really do have the bottles, as I have a back problem :)

Hot water bottles are my back's best friend as well- I cant believe it took me so long to get one!

Not sure how to help you have the day go quicker though, ill loan you my time machine, as soon as its out of the shop ;)

Helpful tips, every one of them. I also wake up at weird hours with nightmares especially if I have been stressed. I restrict any and all caffeine to the morning. Night time caffeine is a killer for me.

You hit the nail on the head, its all about self awareness and knowing what triggers you have- not everyone is the same, but I'm thankful to start to be able to know what little things I can do to get a better outcome

Ginger honey tea with almond milk and turmeric mmm. I'm gonna give that a bash. Thanks for the article.

of course! apparently there's a thing called "golden milk" which is similar, and i've read that black pepper helps with the absorption of the beneficial properties of turmeric as well- id highly recommend doing some research if you're interested- It's been helping me feel a lot better than I did a few months ago!

Also, let me know how you like it!

Great, I'll look into it. I only started using homemade almond milk about 6 months ago. I can't stand the thought of using cows milk now. I'll let you know when I've tried it. Thanks.

sounds like a plan! <3

It's important to make time for self care now and then. If nothing else, just to kick the brain out of danger-avoidance mode and into "what-would-I-actually-enjoy" mode.

Of course, my therapies usually involve coffee and tobacco, but I think they're another way of getting to the same place! (They used to include alcohol, but I can't afford the crappy sleep anymore...)

  • If nothing else, just to kick the brain out of danger-avoidance mode and into "what-would-I-actually-enjoy" mode.*

thats my goal today- sick of waking up tired and depressed! time to shake things up

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