Small competition (#1) with selfdevelopmentclub. "We read the comments."

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Attention! I announce a new small competition. Also to promote selfdevelopmentclub

Choose 10 comments written in any time and consider them in your post.

Your post should contain links to comments and your impression of it. Why did you choose it, and what are your ideas according to this comment.


Works are accepted until 02.03 inclusive. Winners will be announced on 03.03

Top places:

  1. Prize 20 STEEM
  2. Prize 10 STEEM
  3. Prize 5 STEEM

Commenting on each other's posts is a wonderful way to foster connection and community. By leaving thoughtful comments, we show our appreciation for the content and the effort put into creating it. We also create opportunities for meaningful dialogue, where we can share our own perspectives and learn from others.

Reading each other's comments allows us to gain new insights and perspectives that we may not have considered before. It also helps us feel more connected to the community, as we learn about the experiences and opinions of others. By commenting and reading comments, we can create a supportive and enriching environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

Thank you for your attention!

Cc: @disconnect


Commenting on someone's post and also reading comments from others is important because it shows that you are actively engaging with their content and are interested in what they have to say. I'll submit my entry tomorrow

Thank you! You are the only contender for victory and this competition - which means you take first place and get 20 Steem :)

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