Jumping Dimensions Through Vibration, Tantra Explained

in #self5 years ago (edited)

Spiraling up or down in terms of energetic vibration will put you at different places in space time and can create a reality or dimension jump entirely depending on how high the vibration (frequency) & how long you stayed in that vibration. Dimension jumping can be subtle and change slowly over time - do you ever just stop and think "wow, I am in such a better place than I was a year ago" but it almost seems like a blur getting there. That's time travel. Your perception of time is dependent on your vibe hence the saying "...time flies when you're having fun."

There is a lag time with the outer physical matter manifestation I’ve noticed depending on the vibrational leap from avg. vibrational frequency you exist at. For example, if you one night take DMT and vibrate extremely high during that time, it is going to raise your overall "vibrational avg." helping to polarize you towards a higher vibe reality. BUT REMEMBER: this also goes for vibrating lower than usual as well. Because of the way we perceive time, we don't always notice things in the physical world change right away. So you may have asked the universe for more money, but along the way there were some challenges you had to face for spiritual growth in order learn how to better your vibe and experience more abundance, making you forget what you asked for by the "time" you receive it. Now this is what is key - vibe strength and consistency develops over time, so if you have chronically been low vibe you can't expect to switch into high vibe and stay there over night. Not saying that is impossible. Practice makes perfect though.

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An exercise you can do to really amp up your abilities is Tantra / Chi Building. Vibes can be low, high and everywhere in between. Then you have overall strength/consistency of that vibe. An example would be you wake up happy - you got to sleep in today. You feel alive and decide to stretch before putting on your favorite pants. "This is gonna be a good day," you say as you smile at yourself in the mirror. Now you've established a good vibe. What is important here is that you are getting proper fuel to feed this good vibe and strengthen your overall Chi.

Fuel examples:

Fruit, positive self-talk, interesting (truth-based) content that intellectually stimulates you, magic mushrooms and other neuron generating substances, vitamins, minerals, amino acids & healthy fats, stimulating reflex points on the toes, chanting "Om" and singing, stretching, getting a massage, salt bath, working out (weight lifiting & running), flow arts like hula hooping, grounding barefoot on Mother Gaia, yoga, conscious breathing, connecting with others that are high vibe and learning from them, working with Kundalini and practicing Tantra.

Tantric practice:

This one is big do not orgasm. You are letting precious Chi spill out. If you are practiced with Tantra, edging, high vibe sex magick, this message isn't for you. I'll probably make another post on Sex Magick and not delve into that here. Anyway, if you are AT ALL concerned w/ your vibration frequency and strength you don't need to be messing around with a possible orgasm. This does not mean no sex, sex is actually vital in increasing your Chi (it is sexual energy after all) but beginners should start with self-care first like (mostly raw) vegan diet, plant powders like Maca & Spirulina and high intensity working out (like running), getting to know yourself better through yoga, self-massage, stretching and breath work. Sexual fantasies and simulations will naturally come into your mind the more you build your energy.
If you don't already have a partner(s) to practice with, getting yourself right will attract them over time BE PATIENT you are your very best sex partner and asset okay?


Developing your Anima or Avatar:

Carl Jung coined the term "anima" as being the feminine part of a man's personality or his ideal woman that he thinks about in his head. In this case I used "avatar" to represent the masculine ideal in a woman's head. Both men and women have the ideal state of being they think about and strive to attain. You could even call this your higher self, inner god/goddess energy, whatever works for you. It is very important that we all learn about our masculine and feminine side so we can make everything more potent. This may involve healing old wounds for example, using your feminine side to mother and care for your wounded masculine. Or using your inner masculine to protect and stand up for your divine femme, to tell it like it is & take no shit. From my observations biological women tend to need to work more on developing a strong masculine and vice versa, but that is not always the case. Develop your ideal mate in your head, study it, and step into that role. By doing this your Tantric practice will strengthen.

Things that improve your Masculine: Practice saying NO and setting proper boundaries. Don't let people sway you into doing things you aren't 100% excited about. Eat foods like celery, velvet bean powder, cacao, and supplement with Zinc to boost testosterone levels. Go running and lift weights - you need to be consistent with this but ease into it and don't overdo it. Get out in the sun. Stand firm in what you know is right.

Things that improve your Feminine: Practice saying YES to things that make you happy. Self-care by sensually massaging and being with yourself allowing emotions to be felt and validated. Put on a robe or some sort of fabric you like. Brush your hair, use essential oils, bathe. Stretch and do yoga. Dance to your favorite music. Consume damiana tea, maca root, and wild yam. Smoke cannabis (this is very good at bringing in feminine energy as the plant is polarized that way).

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It is very important to not only do these things to raise and strengthen the vibe (so you can hop into better realities) but to understand what will lower vibe and weaken your Chi...
Avoid meat, toxic people, meaningless conversation, internet porn, foods with processed sugars that are lacking in nutrients, stagnation (not working out or staying inside too much), overworking yourself, anything that you can feel dragging you down. The more you build up you'll start to notice things you once liked aren't aligning with you anymore and that's a good sign. Meditating on things that trigger you and figuring out why is important. If you suffer from chronic fatigue I suggest taking two products: Silica (liquid, I like the Positive Power brand) and Thyroid Care Complete by Europharma. If you need protection from low vibes around you that you can't escape use the stone Black Tourmaline it is very powerful. Selenite for a big frequency boost. Orgonite is also great for aura expansion, EMF protection and vibe enhancement. Look for orgonite containing copper and iron for some serious grounding and increased physical vitality and strength.

Happy Upward Spiraling! :-)


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