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RE: My Perspective on Climate Change and Global Warming

Pretty rational position overall. I reckon you might have made more of the proof that the AGW claims are based on falsified research, which you mention. Once you prove they're liars, no one should believe any damn thing they say. That's how it works in courts of law when dealing with perjury, for very good reasons.



Thanks, I try to stick with logic and reason first. The emails from the CRU hack are proof enough to me that their research is presented in such a way as to promote the agenda of whoever pays them. As you say, after the incident, it was unwise for anyone to take them at their word. I know anthropogenic global warming is real, but I also drink dihydrogen monoxide daily, and for whatever reason, it hasn’t killed me yet.

"I know anthropogenic global warming is real..."

Here we disagree. I have had a look at the fossil record, and have noted that one good volcanic event produces orders of magnitude more CO2 than humanity ever will. Not just more than we have, or are projected to produce in the foreseeable future, but more than we ever possibly will. Given that demonstrable fact, the impact of our CO2 releases so far cannot possibly have substantially altered Earth's climate from it's natural trajectory.

The Siberian Traps added 170,000 Billion tons of CO2 to Earth's atmosphere. Humanity will never, ever in a million years do that. We're just not that suicidal, even if we become capable of that level of industrial production using CO2 emitting processes. 80% of the volcanoes on Earth today remain unknown to science, because they're under the ocean. We really don't know how much CO2 they are producing. We don't even know where they are.

The dire certainty AGW shills claim is utter bollocks. It's based on lies, paid for by banksters using propaganda to promote political means to aggrandize themselves. The carbon credit mechanism that has been proposed to solve industrial CO2 emission is trivially able to completely privatize Earth's carbon by extant corporations with nominal financial means, and I believe this is the reason for the AGW alarmist shilling.

We're carbon based. All life is. Capturing the basis of life itself by private interests is a prize beyond mere financial value, and psychopaths intent on aggrandizing themselves no matter what price others pay are doing everything they can to get it.

I meant that humans have an impact, and I’m certain it’s negligible compared to natural events like you mentioned. Just like you cannot deny climate change (weather happens) you can’t deny anthropogenic global warming (people have an effect), it’s just not anywhere near the hyperbole that the interested powers are pushing. It might not even be a single degree on the Fahrenheit scale. Therefore, it’s important to do a cost-benefit analysis if they want us to sacrifice humanity in the name of Gaia. If we did everything they wanted and crippled industry just to save a couple degrees (and that’s very generous on my part), then humans would go extinct. Also, cross-referencing degrees saved vs. degrees lost because of natural events would expose the con for the tomfoolery that it is.

We're almost completely in agreement, and I reckon it's because we are seeking to rationally understand the issue, which leads to examining the actual evidence.

One thing I am concerned about is that the propaganda is causing folks to attempt geoengineering to reduce warming, and the best understanding of real climate data suggests we are overdue for significant cooling and a return to ice age conditions.

In the event such geoengineering is successful, and that cooling trend is imminent, extreme harm could result.

One very simply metric that indicates we are naturally headed for cooler conditions is the fluctuation of sea level over the last 250kya. During that period sea level has risen and fallen ~100 meters five times. We are presently at peak sea level. What has happened five times in a row is that sea level has quickly fallen from this level, meaning that global temperatures rapidly cooled and froze a lot of water into glaciers.

Given that I am confident those natural processes continue, and that our impact is presently relatively negligible, I expect that process to happen again. If we manage to deliberately increase the cooling over the natural reduction, the impact of the climate change geologically imminent will be more dramatic, and this will result in more severe impacts on civilization, society, and human survival.

We've enjoyed an extended interglacial for the last few thousand years, which has certainly contributed to our advancing civilization. When cooling has happened due to natural processes during that advance, empires have crumbled, and humanity suffered catastrophic loss of life. No one that cares about people wants to make that worse.

It's the primary reason I care about the climate propaganda issue at all. The disinformation has potential to induce genocidal loss of life in the event normal climactic processes continue, which is very likely IMHO. This makes it very important to dispel the disinformation, because doing so will save millions, perhaps billions, of lives of good people.

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