Upmewhale Writing Contest! Global Warming and Climate Change, What Can Be Done?

in #self-power5 years ago (edited)
Hello dear friends of this immense platform, it is an honor for me, to participate in this @upmewhale writing contest on "Climate change".


Climate change is defined as that natural phenomenon that causes global variation of the earth's climate or in which the hand of man can also intervene causing these changes through the emission of CO2 and also the alteration of large tracts of land (deforestation ). Where climatic parameters are compromised such as: rainfall, cloud cover, temperature, etc.

In the climate it is normal that there is variability in temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation and humidity and other meteorological variables. Being this normal variability due to solar radiation, volcanic activity, ocean currents, among others. Our climate also has phenomena that occur in extreme form such as: hail, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, these phenomena being devastating to the climate.

Temperatures on Earth are suitable for life thanks to a natural process called the greenhouse effect. When solar radiation reaches our atmosphere, part of it is reflected into space, and part of it passes through and is absorbed by the Earth. This causes the Earth's surface to heat up. The heat is radiated outward and absorbed by the gases present in the Earth's atmosphere, the so-called "greenhouse gases.


Climate change means a problem at the level of all communities since we are affected in its entirety, it is a problem of all. All life has existed these climatic changes, they have increased because the hand of man has generated variations in the climate through industrialization.

Some of the effects caused in my country are the following: drought, therefore there is no hydroelectric generation, and there is no system that replaces it as wind and solar energy. It is important to mention the transmission of vector diseases such as: malaria, dengue, Zika, etc., food shortages due to lack of water, to activate the irrigation system. The emission of greenhouse gases which results in an increase in temperature, thus ending the country's ecosystems. The waves of heats by very high temperatures. Natural disasters that have become more frequent and intense. The accumulation of carbon dioxide acidifies the oceans affecting biodiversity.


We can solve climate change primarily by creating awareness throughout the population, applying preventive measures, applying environmental policies to preserve ecosystems, changing the energy matrix, using generation technologies based on wind and solar resources. creating awareness for the protection of the environment, nature, the planet and with it human health, Apply immediate measures to reduce the greenhouse effect and thus reduce the emission of gases that cause global warming.

Global warming is caused by human activity mainly by the burning of fossil fuels resulting in an increase in the temperature of the atmosphere and the oceans.

It should be noted that the more advanced the country is, the more developed it is, it is directly related to the amount of energy consumed, that is to say, due to population growth. Globally the countries responsible for climate change are: USA, China, Russia, India, Japan, among others.

In relation to the technology used in my country, Venezuela does not have advanced and adequate technology, nor does it have qualified personnel to face these climatic changes.

There are international organizations that are in charge of adopting a strategy and a road map to achieve climate neutrality by 2020.

Currently, more than half of the UN agencies are climate-neutral, among their functions these organizations are implementing to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

To conclude climate change and global warming is everyone's problem, we must raise awareness and apply all the necessary measures to minimize this climatic phenomenon.
The most efficient tools to combat climate change are you. You can change before it's necessary, or wait until it's too late. Doing everything we can to combat climate change comes with numerous benefits, from reducing pollution and health costs to strengthening and diversifying the economy, by turning renewable energies.

Waiting for your votes in favor, comments and resteem


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