Your happiness meter!

in #self-help6 years ago


Take a piece of paper and and write down every activity that you do in a day. Include the minutest detail on this piece of paper. From eating to going to the washroom and from sleeping to brushing your teeth. Write down the time it takes to complete each activity.

So if you are like most people in the world. Your days are divided into 3 main categories; sleeping, work and the time we spent on doing the other silly daily errands.

If you are at work and you work for 8 hour a day, that is 33% of your life. If you are happy with your job you are scoring somewhere between 28-33%. Decide the number what you think is correct for you.

The second biggest part is sleep which is a huge chunk. 8 hours a day means 33% of your life. If you are able to sleep well you got another 30%. Doing pretty good until now, hey?

So if you got these two parts figured out you are scoring 60% to 66% in your life already. In most cases this is enough to pass I think.

Now the 3rd part on which we naturally tend to focus the most. The part of the day where we do nothing. getting ready, traveling and cooking food would probably be another 10% and we obviously like to chill and relax during the day which would be another 10%.

So the moral is that if one or two things don't work out the way you want them to, at least 80% of our lives are on track.

The thing about me is that I am generally content with my life but I always feel the glass is half empty, that mindset doesn't bother me until the point where the glass is less then half empty. Where everything starts to go in the opposite direction it's okay to pause for a minute and analyse that we still have great things that we could appreciate.

I was feeling down about something last week and thought everything was going haywire and then I sat down and said to myself that I am luckier than a lot of people and came up with this theory. I figured that I am within 85% to 90% range and I know it gets better. Take care everyone and I know you are doing great.

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