Together we are destroying the world!

in #self-help6 years ago


What do you say to a person when they decide to do something 'out of the ordinary'? Like quitting their decent paying job for opening a restaurant or a business they always wanted to open. Or they want to go for sky-diving or something else that most people don't dare to do. Our general reaction is telling them that they are crazy or a sane person would never think of doing something like this let alone doing it.

The worst part is after doing this we tell ourselves how great a job we have done and how we saved them from taking the wrong turn. Well, bullshit that is what it is. We are happy with accepting mediocrity in our lives that when someone wants to rebel, we just shush them down and tell them to go with the flow.

If a group of is in a deep container and one of the crabs tries to exit the container the other crabs pull him down. That is what we are doing to the world today if one ambitious crab wants to exit the shithole we just want him to stay with us in there. So we can all be miserable together.

If you have been reading my posts for a while I talk about things will automatically show up, if you show up in life every day. I wanted to elaborate that point today. So, when you have faith you will receive the impulse that will change your life, you will most definitely receive it. I have had moments where I felt like I finally found what I wanted and this will potentially make me a lot of money. But, after an hour I start thinking conservatively and my brain says there is no point in doing this, there is no one in your social circle who is taken this road before.

The best solution to this problem is just to be like a kid and don't worry about anything. Remember how many time who got yourself hurt when you were a kid a did things which were insane. You did get money out of it but it was the thrill that mattered the most at that time. I know you had to pay your bills at that time and now you don't have to. That is fair. But faith trumps anything and everything. Have faith you will great.


Indeed may the brave live!

Exactly Leeuw. We as a community should back the people who have ambition instead of making fun of them. If nothing else the person will have experience and we all know that there is nothing that equals experience.

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