Performance Reviews!

in #self-help6 years ago


I had my year end performance review. I dread it as much as everyone else does. But before this one I thought I had done a great job and my review will be great and better than average. At my company there are 4 ratings; IR (Improvement Required), SP (Satisfactory Performance), SP+ (Satisfactory Performance +) and OP (Outstanding Performance).

I went into the performance review thinking that I did very well in the last 5 months and I would get a great rating. But all I got was a satisfactory rating.

I felt bad in the moment because I had expected more than what I had got. But that is the problem with feedback, no likes it.

How can we receive feedback in an effective way and more importantly accept it?
The first and the most important step is to have an open body language. Our arms tend to get crossed when someone gives us feedback and this has a direct effect on the person giving the feedback and also on us, receiving the feedback. The other important part of this process is so to write the feedback we are receiving and think about it after 2-3 hours of receiving the feedback. Never try to justify your point and say things in the heat of the moment. Write it down think about it and think about it objectively.

My boss appreciated my commitment and my hard-work. He was also appreciative of the fact that I have been loyal to the firm and always greet everyone around me. He said that SP mean that it was mediocre and I am on the right track.

There were plenty of positives that came out of the interview. The thing I want to communicate to you guys is that take whatever feedback you receive positively. People want you to succeed, my boss does and yours does too, they know more than you and hence are in the position you want to be. So, listen to them with an open-mind and we should work on our weaknesses.

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