Log It, Graze It, Or Watch It Burn: Who To Blame For Wild Fires

It is ridiculous how hard I worked to get this rather unsatisfactory video made, I really wanted to be clear and concise and this was just the best I could muster.

Fortunately, there seems to be something in the air today as 2 FAR more eloquent speakers have chimed in on pretty much the same issue, in their own way... Please, have a listen to some of the brightest minds in the United States!

Ammon Bundy:

KrisAnne Hall:


Benjamin Franklin, volunteer firefighter.

And probably never imagined a time when local people would NOT stop to put out a fire, but rather sit back and wait for the government to do it.

Donald Trump agrees:
Donald J. Trump

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22 hours ago

California wildfires are being magnified & made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which aren’t allowing massive amount of readily available water to be properly utilized. It is being diverted into the Pacific Ocean. Must also tree clear to stop fire spreading!

Fighting fires is dangerous, putting it out can be more complicated than it looks, be careful.

Back when we had loggers they were all volunteer fire fighters during fire season. Trained, local and to the scene PRONTO. And we still had forest fires, bad ones, but nothing like this crap would ever have happened. When lightning starts them in the middle of nowhere, it is a problem. This started RIGHT BY the highway, and there are probably 100s of ranchers around here with water tank trucks.

sounds like its time to get serious about logging all that government land out there. The federal government owns entirely too much land out west.

Indeed... Although we are experiencing this rather odd little phenomenon in Idaho right now. A BUNCH of land that is marked "National Forest" on my maps is now being signed up as private property and put up for sale. I mean, places where you drive past the sign "Now entering Payette National Forest" and before you get to the sign that says "Leaving National Forest" and is marked as National Forest on maps from 30 years ago... somehow it is suddenly private land after all. The "explanation" offered is that is was really private all along and they just shared nicely, and the signs and maps were just wrong... Very, very odd.

that's weird, who is doing the selling?

yup, that's a great example of why replacing cops with private security does not really fix anything. That is something to consider, when the government owns all the land your county or whatever gets screwed on tax revenue and development but when they sell it to private concerns then you lose access and things get developed. How do you balance the two concerns?

Well, it has to start with everyone being given the facts... When an entire community has believed land was "public" for generations and then they suddenly are told "No, it was private all along" people get a little funny about it...
The hypothetical advantage of private security over police is that if a private security officer initiates violence I can defend myself without him having "above the law" status granting him the right to murder without consequences. Truly, these Texas guys appear to be TRYING to get something started up here. I cannot confirm it, but the local "word on the street" is they hired the guys who killed Jack Yantis as security... I cannot imagine a bigger "F-YOU" to this community!

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The last wildfire we had here, we took my irrigation pump out and ran water from our well to put the fire out. If we had waited for the fire department half of my neighbours would have been burnt out. We are having all kinds of chemicals sprayed on us all the time. Many times it smells like either a pesticide or a herbicide. It is killing the fish in the fish farms. 😠

Yeah... Every time I hear "The government would never do that" I want to scream. Just a LITTLE time studying the history of just what governments HAVE ALREADY DONE would go a long way toward understanding just how low a government will go...
I think the locals are pretty pissed. No one wants to insult the firefighters, but even the young'uns around here have a daddy or uncle who was a logger or a miner, and they KNOW how we USED to fight fires... and they know it was a better way.

When will the stupidity end?