Five More Ways To Escape Uncomfortable Feelings of Low Self-Esteem and Poor Self-Confidence

in #self-esteem3 years ago

Are you looking for five more ways to escape uncomfortable feelings of low self-esteem and poor self-image? Do you want to overcome low self-esteem and feel good about yourself again? Are you ready to take a new look at the life you're leading and are you ready to learn new coping strategies? If so, this article can teach you how to deal with those feelings of embarrassment, rejection and unhappiness that keep us from achieving our goals. In particular, we'll examine three new coping strategies:


First, let's look at how we can escape discomfort by changing the way we think. The way you think about yourself and your abilities determines how you experience life. The more you think you can do, the less you do. If you want to escape the discomfort by doing more, then change what you're thinking. Instead of saying "I cannot do that," say instead, "I will learn how to do that."

Second, if you want to escape uncomfortable feelings of low self-esteem and poor self-image, recognize when you are experiencing them. Sometimes we are feeling uncomfortable because we are communicating to ourselves about something we need to change. For example, if you are scared to go on an important speaking engagement, you might feel the need to defend yourself against criticism. Remind yourself often that it is okay to look for opportunities to improve yourself. When you feel a need to defend yourself or defend someone else, this is a sign that you are sending a message to yourself that you are blocking an opportunity to improve your condition.

Third, you can also escape uncomfortable feelings of low self-esteem and poor self-image by putting your focus somewhere else. Try spending some time focusing on someone else's experience rather than your own. You can take a course, talk with someone or do volunteer work. This will take your attention away from yourself and put it somewhere else. Eventually you will feel better and you will be able to overcome those feelings of worry and fear, even though they are still there. You will feel better because of it.


Fourth, avoid creating situations where you are likely to experience the unpleasantness of low self-esteem and poor self-image. If you always run into a difficult situation, avoid it. Plan your day to avoid stressful situations. Also, learn to read your body language. Most people who are able to escape uncomfortable feelings of low self-esteem and poor self-image do so because they know how to read the signs of discomfort in their body language.

Fifth, remind yourself that you have the power to control your reaction to what other people say to you. Learn to respond in a non-defensive manner. Use your words and non-verbal cues to either confirm or dispute what someone says to you. By following these simple steps, you can develop a stronger sense of self and improve your self-esteem and self-image by starting with five more ways to escape uncomfortable feelings of low self-esteem and low self-image.


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