Creativity Exercise - The Daily 10

Make what I'm about to show you a daily habit to strengthen your creativity muscle. Start or end the day by writing 10 ideas for whatever topic you like writing about at the moment or are interested in improving. Some examples could be but not limited to...

10 ways to be healthy
10 things to be more productive
10 things to save more money
10 things to make more money
10 things to do this week
10 things to help the environment
10 ways to give back
10 things that make me feel good
10 things to stay away from

the list creatively goes on. If you get stuck and can't think of 10 then write 15! They can be silly or extremely outrageous (example to lose weight could be cut off an arm! only if you run out of ideas!), remember the point of the exercise is to strengthen your creativity​ muscle so start flexing​! Doing this 5-minute​ exercise​ does wonder​s for your creativity. Imagine all the ideas you will have in just a weeks time, a months time​, a year​s time all from just 5 minutes a day. The best part is you won't​ have to remember them they will be written down. It all starts with just 5 minutes or less.


Some more I​ thought to share;

10 sources of knowledge
10 resources
10 strengths
10 weaknesses
next 10 actions towards my goals

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