SegWit's Likely Lock-In: What Today's Milestone Means for Bitcoin.

in #segwit7 years ago

Regardless of the interruption, the scaling proposal is called separate watge, which is expected to be lock-in on the Bitcoin network nowadays.

Sufficient mining signaling support should continue, SegWit is expected to complete the required limit later this afternoon (about 479, 708 blocks) and when the theoretically possible miners can change their mind, it is unlikely that In a short time, they will have a huge financial incentive to implement the change of mines.

At that time, Bitcoin will show some nodes on one step closer to $ 50 billion of network store data, which may possibly lead to more exciting, forward-looking technologies, such as top-level lightning networks and other in-development advances.

But even in the change lock-in, bittoine will not upgrade overnight due to two reasons:

Changes due to SegWit's "Grace Period" will not be "active" to 481,824 blocks, which is currently estimated to be on August 21.
While lock-in ensures that it will become a part of the SEVWatt network, BITETOWN services still need to renew their software so that the new style of transaction can be supported.

Entering an grace period

The basic idea behind the SegWit grace period is simple, it gives the miners time to upgrade their software so that they are united. Therefore, when it may sound like another delay, it is actually an essential step

After the period of this two weeks, miners who have upgraded their software to support SEG-VIT, will create blocks implementing new rules. This means that the miners who have not been upgraded will be at risk of losing their prize (about $ 42,000), as their quarries will be rejected by other miners.

At the time of activation, however, it is still unclear how long it will take for code changes through the ecosystem and will actually be adopted by users, Wallet providers, exchanges and other necessary network infrastructure.

Many services have already been started to support Seg-Vit, including one of the most used purses, Betquin Startup Blockchain as well as major Bitcoin Exchanges Kraken and Locblichtokines.

However, due to the large embrace of the Sagvite in some remarkable voices, the costs involved may take more time. Everything, it's controversial.

The importance of lock in

Apart from this, when it is one of the many SEZ-related time-bounds, which has recently passed, the importance of this particular milestone should not be reduced to lock-in is a step that actually This ensures that seg-watt will be added to the network.

As such, it is the idea that Seg Watt may have gained support at this level, for many people it can be seen as a breath of fresh air. Regardless of the critically reviewed, it is advisable that it is fitting to say that SEV Watt has received widespread support (although exact details of its law proposals are different).

In this light, today can be seen as a turning point in the development of the best network

Probably it ensures that at least some type of scaling-related technology will be added to the network, without creating a completely new block channel.

And its enactment can take a long way towards encouraging other advances, which want to change bittoin, though slowly

Proposed in 2015, and users have been presented to run at the end of last year, Segard has taken more than a year and more to go from concept to production.

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