I See the Beauty of Ordinariness

in #seewhatisee6 years ago

I Love the Little Things...


The first apple tree is blooming.


I have to stay conscious about appreciating its beauty every moment possible, because the flowers are so short lived.


Just looking at that pink makes me crave cotton candy...or watermelon flavoured Hubba Bubba (bubble gum I was addicted to as a youth) .

Do You Like Green?







Kale that seeded itself from last year...I really gotta thin this out. Do you hate thinning? I'm wondering if I should just let the slugs thin it for me, or leave it and just play the 'let's see what happens' game.


The thin, grassy looking stuff is dill, which seeded itself as well haha! I'm seriously going to be the laziest gardener of all time this year, and watch...you just watch, I'll have the best yield that I've ever had all from not planning.


Ok, there's a really fucked story about this tree. We found it a couple years ago, in a shallow bucket, on a hill...growing. Someone littered a bucket up there a long time ago, and a seed fell in with a bunch of organic matter that had been accumulating in it for lord knows how many years...and it grew itself...in a bucket. It was the first fuckit bucket I'd ever found. That tree said fuck it, I'm gonna grow in a bucket.

I'm pretty sure it's a mountain ash, but I could be wrong...as you can see it's still a little sapling. I love this tree and I can't wait to drive by this property later in life and see how it's doing. It really has done great in the place I transplanted it.


A Cool Bee-Looking Thing



The Sugar Peas are Sprouting




A variety of lettuces that I need to thin...badly.


Sonic glaring at me through the chicken wire because I won't let them devour my seedlings. She's in the dustbath...but it's looking suspiciously like they are digging a tunnel...


The deer haven't eaten the hostas yet :) They usually like to come by and "thin" them for me.

It Was All Yellow


I'm so happy about how long these daffodils have stayed in bloom for, it feels like it's been weeks!




Even just looking at our eggs makes me happy, the soft pastel colours that our hens lay is a feast for my eyes. There is beauty to be found everywhere, and certainly I never have to look far.

Thanks for seeing the world through my eyes yet again STEEM Family.


The Don lovesa the springtime over here, it makea the good time forra plantinga the green, the sweet, sweet green.....

My beeches likea the doobie before laying the egg, likea the epidural capishe!

Don Poltryoni - Chicketta family crime boss & Natural remedies.

Bwa hahahaa natural remedies indeed!! HAHAHA That's my kinda roo!!!!

Baked chicken!

Looking good Lyndsay! Glad to see Spring has sprung

Thank you so much! Long time no see my friend, do you think you'll be visiting NS this summer again? We'd love to hook up with yas!!

Probably not this summer. It's a big year on the farm and we got crushed by weeds during the week we were away last year! We talk fondly about that trip often though!

Yes, not hanging around much lately, just been flooded on a number of levels and cranking away. I need to write a farm update! The most social interacting I'm doing these days is posting pictures on instagram, @tapalou, but I definitely should do some more long-form stuff on Steemit.

Always a pleasure to hear from you!

That's the apple tree you mentioned before!! Soooo lovely. Thanks for sharing. I love spotting little things in daily life and capturing the moment too... Pink, Green, soft pastel colours - all make me happy too. Just looking at Oregano is so calming : )

I'm so glad you enjoyed the colours and the photos, thank you for telling me, my fellow lover of nature <3

You know, I think that is why I have never met an unhappy or stressed gardener. When you love to garden and mess about with plants, if you don't have patience, you will learn it in the process ( or give up and never garden again!)

The joy of the simple is really the best secret to happy living. Even though I have done it many times, I still am amazed when I see, for instance, my tomato plants on the window sill which are now over a foot tall and setting buds, were tiny little seeds months ago. It truly is a magic we are all allowed to participate in.

And enjoying that self same miracle in our world outside, in the trees budding and even the weeds growing (the first sign to we gardeners that we can start planting some things out there, because if they're growing the soil is getting ready) is something to behold.

And of course keeping animals like chickens, I mean who can have a bad day after collecting eggs and watching your hens and roos doing their morning antics?

Thank you for reminding us of the importance of the simple and ordinary which, in fact, is complex and extraordinary!

Have an amazing and simple day :)

It's the little things that count eh @lyndsaybowes the things that most people pass by without giving a second thought, equally I know that when people are battling illness .. it's these little things that they often see for the first time, a poignant reminder of why we would all do well to keep our eyes open to the beauty that surrounds us .. thanks for such a beautiful reminder my friend.

I haven't thought of this song in years! 😊

I love your view and appreciation of all the beauty in the world. Those apple blossoms are GORGEOUS. I love the colors of your eggs, too! Getting them from the grocery, they're always pretty well monochrome, whether white or brown.

I'm glad I made you hear the song hhahaa!!! YASSSS I can always count on Phe <3 <3 <3

Ohhhh! These are wonderful views!!! 🌱🌱🌱And, such a sweet fuckit bucket rhyme!! What a wonderful tree 🌳 lotsa love .... thinning is not my thing either! ...i just don't get it 🤷‍♀️ haha good luck with that 🙌

I totally love the fuckit buckit tree! 💙🌳

Ok, where is that fuckit bucket? I wanna live with that thriving little tree. To hell with the rest of life... 🙈💙💚🐜

It is beautiful to see how it blooms and grows, what a beautiful color!

Feels so refreshing.. to see the beauty of the country side first hand.
Also the eggs look so inviting.
Glad I got to stop by after awhile to your blog.

Random question: were those crab apples or those you have in orchards?

That tree is a crab apple, yep!

I heard crab apples taste terrible - even the name screams, "not appetizing at all" :)

I make apple cider vinegar with them, and also they go great in apple crisp!! Mmm nice and tart mixed with all the sugar and of course ice cream on top!! <3 <3

See I would have just left them on the tree, but you know what you're doing, clearly :D

Yes! Apple crisp. My parents used to have 3 crab apple trees for baking purposes before they relocated to a different part of PA.

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