Let me out of here!


Hello my Steemian peeps! I've been MIA for a couple of days on here and really hate it. It's not the loss of money part that bothers me but my lack of replying to comments that have been left for me and visiting posts in my feed.

I'm I the only one that feels guilty when I get behind some on here? This may be hard to understand for some of the new Steemians but for the ones that have been around for a while, you get used to talking to your peers and miss the interaction with them on a daily basis.

I got some wicked food poisoning over the weekend and it was horrible. This makes twice in my life that I have gotten food poisoning. I've gotten sick from food plenty of times before but this is a totally different monster. This is the kind of sickness where you can't even hold down a sip of water...ugggh!

On top of that, I had inflammation set in on my knee and could barely walk. Now that I can eat and drink again, my knee has improved but my foot and ankle has seized up due to my progressive RA. That's much worse than my knee because I can't put any weight on it at all. Just lying in the bed is painful as hell. And painkillers won't even touch the pain either. Although, I think the worst part is over and I hope to get some good rest in the next day or so.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for sympathy or anything like that. I'm just talking because I'm tired of staring at these 4 effin walls!

I've put my foot in my mouth before when I was inebriated and commenting on steemit so I've already learned that lesson. So once I get some of these narcotics out of my head, I will respond to everyone accordingly.

Below you can see what I see and have been seeing for a long ass time now!

Wall 1

Wall 2

Wall 3

I haven't been looking at the wall behind me since I've been on my back most of the time. But I have definitely been getting in some face-time with the ceiling fan.


Not complaining, just saying hi and that I'm not purposely ignoring anyone. Have a great day!

Source for lead image: https://goo.gl/images/NSHAXZ


This is horrible. OK, lets try to find something nice to say...

You really nailed those 3 walls and your ceiling fan. Felt like I was right there with you. Sorry your body hurts so badly and I do hope you catch a break soon.

totally man, I feel the guilt everyday I fail to post! It's funny how this place sucks you in and compels you lol! Hoping you are on the mend buddy!

Oh, my gosh! Everything seems to hit you at once. You knee probably is complaining because of the RA making it difficult to walk. Food poisoning is not a nice thing. Do you know where you picked it up? If it was a restaurant then you can make a report to the local public health unit. Especially if they had other customers eating the same food as you.

I left out the part where my basement got flooded from the 7 inches of rain we received. Yeah, when I get it, I get hit hard lol.

I'm not sure what gave me the food poisoning but I think it was responsible for setting off these chain of events. I think the food poisoning got my MS riled up and in turn got my RA pissed off.

maybe you can count how many times the ceiling fan spins in an hour! So much fun! lol get better man

Lol thanks man!

Sorry for your pain, man. The shot of the ceiling fan reminded me of the opening sequence to Apocalypse Now, I'm sure your feeling just as stir crazy and unhinged as he was...lol Hope you feel better soon.

Thanks crusher!

Food poisoning is the worst. It happened to me once and it was the horrible! Take care.

Thank you Mrs. V!

So sorry. I just don't know what I would do if I had even the slightest of troubles that you and others have at times.
I only know one thing. Good health.
And that has been with me for more decades than I want to think about. Ha
I am hoping you get better. So sorry for you and any others that may have health problems.
I have problems. But, it is not health related.


Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Hope you are feeling better brother!😎

Sir, I cannot play the guitar.

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