Be Thankful!

in #seewhatisee6 years ago (edited)


I held out as long as I could but the pain got to the point of insane levels. Just lying in the bed was pure hell. There's no comfortable position to be in. My foot and ankle feels like it's being crushed in a vise and then a screwdriver being driven through the middle of it. I'm not kidding, this is horrible! I almost overdosed by taking too much of my pain medication. I took enough to kill two grown men, easily. Unfortunately, I've been taking painkillers for several years now and I've grown a really high tolerance to them. I can feel the effects of the opiates on the rest of my body but my foot and ankle is still unphased. 0430 rolled around and I woke up my wife and told her that I had to go to the ER. This was the very last thing I wanted to do but I can't stand it any longer. After finally getting down the steps and in the car, we're on the road by 0500.


As you can see, I was planning ahead and decided to take pics and document my trip for steemit, ha! It was really foggy and not much traffic on the road.


We get to the ER and thankfully it was a slow night for them and I was checked in and in triage within no time. Just a few minutes later I was in my own room staring at these cool light covers.


A doctor comes in and I go through my history and problems. He orders an x-ray and an ultrasound on my leg and foot. It appeared that my right leg was slightly a different color than left and it was also swollen. The doctor said that he wanted to make sure that I didn't have a clot or something.


The picture above is the x-ray machine they used. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get my foot in position for the x-ray but the tech was very patient and helpful and it went smoother than I expected.

After that, we went to have an ultrasound conducted which was interesting.


What made this so interesting was that the tech was all over my junk when she was at the top inside of my leg. I wasn't expecting that and didn't know if I was supposed to leave a tip or not.

After that, I find myself back in my room waiting for the doc's report. The doc comes in and tells me that I don't have a clot and that he thinks that all of this inflammation is related to my MS. They can't give me any painkillers due to what I've already taken but they did give me a shot of an anti-inflammatory and some steroids. I was advised to follow up with my neurologist and RA specialist and they sent me on my way.

Coming out of the hospital, I see the ghostly water tower standing bold through the morning fog. Can you see what I see?


On the way back home, I spotted an unusual site on the side of the highway. Can you see what I see in this photo?


I was barely able to get this picture due to my driver speeding at 80mph but if you look closely, you can see the rear tires are off of the ground. I wish that I could have gotten a picture of it from further back because it looked like the trailer was getting ready to turn over.

Back home and back in my cell where I can continue to keep an eye on these 3 walls and ceiling fan for a few more days.

The title of this post is "Be Thankful". I chose that because everyone needs to be reminded how fortunate they are and not to take life and health for granted. I could complain about all the bad cards that I've been dealt but I will just be thankful for all the good ones instead. I hope you guys have a great day!



Yes, spoken like a true chronic pain sufferer...tolerated the pain for days until a point is reached where no amount of additional meds would work.

You did the right thing @bluelightbandit and I know that you didn't want to go to the ER.

Hopefully the steroids will work to take the joint inflammation down.

Thinking of you and your 3 walls + ceiling fan. Feel better soon. ;)

Thank you, dear!

So sorry that you have to go through all the pain.
I have had some pain at times in my life.
But, not very often and it was short lived considering.
Since I haven't experienced what you have in your pain.
I cannot really know.
We can only really know if we have individually experienced something.
Then can we say that we know.
I can only hope that you get better.
I did see that @rebeccaryan has placed a new recipe for you on her blog.
You could take a look at that and see if what she has for you that might help.
If I had your pain. I would want to move up to her's and @knarly327 place for help.
I know. They already have more than enough in their daily life to have to take care of without seeing the crowds waiting outside their door. Ha
If cannabis would help?
I would be living in a "cannabis free" choice state.
That is just me. I hate pain.
Many cannabis doctors are available in those states I have read.
Just thinking out loud for you here.
Never give up.

PS. I am thinking of moving to Nevada/Las Vegas in the next year or two
It is a cannabis free choice state too.

I have often thought about moving but I keep clinging on to the hope that my state will see the light soon.

I think Nevada would be a nice place to live. Thank you for your reply!

Having a pain specialist would be a good idea if you don't have one. Being in that much pain is horrible. Life isn't much of a joy if you need to stare at four walls and a ceiling fan. Hang in there, things have to get better soon.

I have a pain specialist but it's very complicated for them to control every avenue of pain that I have. Plus, when inflammation gets as bad as what it does at times, nothing comes close to helping and a trip to the hospital is evident. Thank you for your reply!

Hello bro, I was suppose to follow you up and know how your health was as regards the complain you lodged here the other day.

Hope you are getting better now? Just eat right and have your medications

Get well soon bro as we need to read more of your real life impactful stories that teaches me real life stuff and the strategy to conquer always.

Get well bro.. Get well bro.. Get well the genius himself.

Salutations to you boss.

I am me @brightfame

I greatly appreciate your comment, sir! I am getting better, it's just taking a little longer than I'm used to is all. I hope to get back to my writting within the next 24 hours. I haven't been able sit at my desk where the computer is and my stories are just too long to try and write using my phone. Thanks again for your uplifting comment, brother!

Oh man, sorry to hear you are in pain. Real men don't complain, they keep their head up in faith.
Great post sir.

Thanks man!

dam that has too suck, hope you get better soon!

I hope now you can feel comfortable @bluelightbandit, Thanks for shring your life a short story. Health is every thing @bluelightbandit, I am pray for you health.

Sorry your foot is giving you so much pain. I am greatful you are alright by the doctors definition. Do you use a pain specialist? Be well. 🐓🐓

Yes, I see a pain specialist but they can only do so much and where I have such a high tolerance, their choices are severely limited. When I get this type of inflammation, a trip to the hospital is in the near. Thanks for stopping by!

I know their are limitations to pain control. I do hope you are feeling better soon. Good to hear from you. Not easy to let people in when I am in pain. You’re a strong person. 🐓🐓

Sounds like a very eventful night.. hope all gets better soon.. stay positive

Damn bro.... Beat wishes and heal up fast!

Thanks man, Im gettin there!

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