Home Security TipssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #security7 years ago (edited)


I have talked a lot about cybersecurity in the past, but I haven’t talked a lot about home-security, which is equally if not more important to stay safe at home from all threats, including but not limited to burglars.

While cybersecurity is almost free, it really doesn’t cost you to keep your computer safe, other than perhaps convenience and maybe 10-20 EUR to buy a USB stick and perhaps a few DVD for backups of your data.

For home-security, unfortunately you have to open up your wallet, these toys are pretty expensive, but they are worth the cost.

Threat Analysis

Well me and my wife live in a big 2 story house at the outskirts of a town, it’s a rural area, pretty quiet and pretty safe. It’s a kind of burgeoise area so in my opinion random burglaries don’t really happen from neighbors, though my neighbors don’t remember any burglary that happened recently, we only live here for about 2 years, however the risk is elevated since a potential outside burglar could come.

I bet burglars actively monitor Facebook for potential targets and see when they are not at home, in fact this literally happened multiple times:

So this has to be considered, and more, now let me give you my opinion what would be good ideas to enhance the security of your home.

Home Security Tips

1) Buy a Safe, and keep your valuables there

You can’t really avoid this, you must have 1 Safe in your house. You can actually buy a cheap one for 200 EUR, but that’s pretty useless and it only gives you the illusion of safety. You have to spend money on this, I bought mine for 6000 EUR, it’s fireproof and impact proof, it also has an analog lock, whereas they sell these cheap crap with digital locks that they have demonstrated that it can be opened with a hand-held radio, plus if the battery fries, your valuables are stuck there.

Nope, it has to be a high quality Safe with analog lock, preferably a high quality lock with 5-6 round deep lock mechanism. I saw a documentary once, they said that any lock with less than 3 rounds can be easily picked by even an amateur lockpick, so you want to look for a lock system with 5 rounds minimum.

It should also be fireproof and also waterproof, your house can burn down, and you really don’t want your cryptocurrency paper wallet to burn there.

You can keep valuable documents, crypto paper wallets, precious metals, jewelry and other stuff in it.

2) Change the Safe combination monthly

You might also want to change the safe combination monthly, you can never know if some burglar enters in your home and tries to pick your safe, but only gets half of it done, so he has to come back again to pick the rest. This can be avoided by changing the combination frequently, so the burglar will have a hard time and eventually abandon your house. Keep in mind that they only pick low hanging fruits, if you have good security, they will give up.

3) Change the lock in the house yearly

You should also change the lock on the main door every year. A lock doesn’t cost more than 100$ and it can be pretty high quality, again aim for 5-6 round ones.

4) Setup an alarm system

There are now alarm systems available for pretty cheap cost, and they can send an SMS notification to you if an intruder is detected, and then you can call the cops.

Unfortunately an alarm system can perhaps be disabled by sophisticated burglars, it’s still better than nothing.

5) Surveillance Cameras

You can setup surveillance cameras, high up on the roof for example. But only surveilling the outside, you want to have privacy inside your house.

But keep in mind, you don’t want to surveill the property of your neighbors as that might be a privacy violation against them and they could sue you for that. There are also privacy laws in the EU against that, so you only want to point the camera at your own property, to watch the area around your house, but not your neighbor.

Now this could be costly, about 1 hour of high quality surveillance footage is like 2-3 Gb, so you might want to keep some extra hard-drives around.

Also you don’t really need to watch all the tapes, you could just run a script that looks for motion, and it gives you back the timestamp, and if it finds nothing, you can just delete that footage later. I am sure there are softwares for that.

I was planning on setting up some cameras but it would be too impractical for now and I don’t really keep too many valuables in my house, so it’s not needed now.

6) Firearms & Defense

Unfortunately in the EUSSR you don’t have the right to defend yourself. To obtain a firearm you need a special permit, psychological evaluation, home inspection and all kinds of background checks not to mention paying big taxes, so they make it almost impossible to obtain one legally.

You can’t even put electricity in the fence around your house, that is also illegal. Of course a burglar might have a gun, but that is no problem, since he will just wait until you call 112 for the police to arrive, and they will voluntarily surrender themselves.

Also there were even talks about banning kitchen knives. So you have absolutely no right to defend yourself in this place, you are totally vulnerable to criminals.

So the only option you have in this Gulag Continent is to lock your door, unless they will pass an EU directive to have a backdoor in the lock mechanism, like they want with encryption. It’s totally insane.

7) No Smart-Device Policy

I have told my wife clearly and precisely. I don’t want any Smart shit inside our bedroom. I didn’t let her buy a Smart TV, which is literally a Telescreen from 1984.

Also we keep our phones in the living room and not bring it in the bedroom. I don’t want to turn our house into a Panopticon.

Our home is our home, I don’t want pervert scumbags watching us through a camera which can easily be hacked.

8) Others

The best would be to live in a gated community where they have private security patrolling around the house, but if you can’t afford that, I certainly can’t at the moment, then at least buy a dog.

Yeah buy a big fucking dog, a bulldog or a rottweiler, they are pretty scary, perhaps they will scare invaders away.

If you can afford it you can hire security guards, but at that point you really have to be a VIP person.

I don’t think any of us meets that criteria, and you should not keep a lot of valuables in your home in the first place, so this is perhaps if you are a billionaire.

If you are a middle class person, just get a dog, they are good animals anyway.

9) Information Disclosure

This is perhaps the most important one. You should never disclose a lot of information about yourself.

Privacy is important for a reason, this means the following:

  • Never post on social media when you are not at home
  • Never post on social media when your kids are alone at home
  • Never post on social media how much money you have or you have in your house
  • Don’t take pictures inside your house
  • Don’t give out your home address to strangers
  • Don’t ever give out any information about your kids, like their school schedule and so forth, never do this!!
  • Actually don’t really give out any more information than you are comfortable with

It’s just common sense, all this Facebook culture is disgusting, everyone sharing every moment of their lives, they have no idea to how much risk they put themselves.

There are just tons of stalkers, burglars and criminals waiting to get their way. Just avoid that.

Don’t be a narcissist scumbag, you don’t need to share shit with other people, keep every information to yourself. You don’t need to become a celebrity


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(from the image at the top)
What a useless lock.

A single one of those bolts is stronger than any door it would go into. So, a gang of them does nothing but weaken the door.

Oh well, most houses in The US are so weak I can just walk through the wall.

Well it was the only free photo that I could find so sorry about that.

In the US most houses are made of cheap wood, it's almost ridiculous, no wonder so many fires happen there.

My house is made of high quality bricks, it has a very solid roof made of ceramics and a reinforced metalic door and fences around the house.

It's a little bit better than what I see in movies how most of rural Americans live.

Wooden houses are not really popular here except for like cottages for mountain tourism or something like that.

I like Dimtri Orlov's word, the russians describe american's houses as built from Ticky Tacky.

And, you really do not need to change the locks each year, but getting them rekeyed is good. Its the... you never can remember all the people that happened to get your key... like for house sitting, or your brother, or...

I like to buy good locks, and they are usually over $100 each.

Well I don't really give the keys to anyone really. Only me and my wife have a copy and 1 more copy in case 1 of it breaks.

Many people around here give 1 key to a neighbor when they go on vacation so that they can go and feed the dogs.

I think that's foolish, my wife has 1 cat, she just takes it to her parents.

Good post for every family....

By your blog I get to know something new

Great tips! Good post!

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