Theft of your W-2 Can Lead to Tax Fraud

in #security7 years ago

It is tax-filing time of year, when fraudsters come out of the woodwork to victimize Americans.  

Attackers can easily file a fake tax return, with fictitious figures, to receive a sizable check from the government and leaving you in dire straits.  

Protect you W-2 forms and submit your return as early as possible, as it can be a race with the first one accepted being the winner.  

Businesses must be very careful not to expose employee's W-2's to criminals. Expect hacking and phishing attempts to gain access to breach personnel records.    

Here are some tips for businesses large and small: 

  • Limit the number of authorized personnel who can gain access to employees’ personal info and W-2’s * Set up two-factor or multi-factor verification systems to authenticate access to such sensitive information 
  • Establish protocols for sensitive information requests, without a dependency on email 
  • Encrypt sensitive Personally Identifiable Information and W-2 records 
  • Employ best practices to maintain a well defended compute environment, including anti-malware, firewalls, email and spam filters, as well as training your employees to not fall for phishing and report incidents quickly 

Be safe and secure!     

Image Source: The Chronicle Online  

More information and good security advice can be found on Oregon FBI's Tech Tuesday site      

Interested in more? Follow me on your favorite social sites for insights and what is going on in cybersecurity: LinkedIn, Twitter (@Matt_Rosenquist), YouTube, Information Security Strategy blog, Medium, Golos, and Steemit  


Tax time is doubly worse now. No only do I have to file taxes, I also have to worry about Tax ID fraud. It is like pouring salt into an already open wound.

Kinda feels like being run over twice.

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