Is Cybersecurity Winning or Losing?

in #security7 years ago

Cybersec is not easy to understand, communicate, or implement.  Businesses typically measure success based upon profit and we are only entering an era where sufficient measures and metrics exists to justify spending.  Then there is the question how to invest.  There is no silver bullet that makes something permanently secure.  From an executive perspective, cybersecurity can seem like a poltergeist, popping up in an ugly way, but nearly impossible to prevent.    

There are always vulnerabilities, even in the distant future, in a galaxy far, far away….

In short, the current situation can appear grim, but it is getting better in at least one perspective.  Awareness by executives and boards is increasing.  This is an organizational keystone moment necessary to traverse down a constructive path of capable and sustainable cybersecurity.  Support from the top is imperative to address challenges that are highly ambiguous, like security.

We, as security professionals, must also be committed to provide the information, minus the fear mongering (no FUD), so management can better understand and commit properly.  Sadly, but not unexpectedly, some security vendors are just trying to make a quick buck.  But others are genuinely committed to making the digital domain a better place.   

All this and the challenges continue to increase.  We all have a long way to go and our digital world is growing very rapidly.  This pace of tech adoption also needs security accompaniment.  So, we must not only climb the mountain we are on, but also new mountains we cannot yet see.  It is hugely challenging, but worth the effort.  We all must play a role, work together, and think strategically to change how the world embraces the benefits of digital technology and services.     

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I wonder if in the future, we can make AI's that can be trained to counter hackers. Like you said, the cyber world is constantly growing, This AI will grow with it.

"...everything is perfectly alright now, we're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?" - Hahn Solo

That pretty much sums it up.

One of my absolute favorite scenes from Star Wars! Han Solo rocks. (...and I think he shot first)

Like you mentioned, the digital world is growing rapidly, the faster it grows the more we need to protect ourselves. How do we keep up besides relying on security experts like yourself to educate or share valuable information?

it makes sense how cybersecurity sometimes seems like a poltergeist; unexpected and grim especially from an executives point of view

"Awareness by executives and boards is increasing. "

It better! Nobody wants to be the next LinkedIn, Adobe, Equifax, Uber, Home Depot, Target... umm this list is getting long nvm.

Yeah that list is long... very soon, it will be easier to list the companies that have NOT had a security breach.

What do you see as the next biggest risk?

In my opinion, as there is more of a reliance on technology, there will be more emphasis on cyber security. More people will understand the importance of cyber security, just like they understand the need for security in the real world now as the real world and the digital world start mixing into being one and the same.

It does take time for people to learn the value of security.

my lecturer always said security always starts with me the user no matter what measures you put, some are doing a great job while others are just quacks. we need to emphasize more on security as we enter a world of IOT and with nearly everything been connected and sharing info with one another then any weakness can be exploited by hackers

IoT will be a very important battlefield. As devices begin to manipulate the real world (ex. autonomous vehicles) it puts people's physical safety at risk. A whole new game.

I think the average Joe will always be the loser in this cyber game there are endless possibilities to compromise somebody's data.

Good Post, I hope the future of cybersecurity in the digital world is getting better

Same here! For all our sake.

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