
I have never used a password manager before. Do you need to keep them on a computer with no internet connection or are they just encrypted?

Password managers are mostly for online websites, so you can keep them on an online computer and they will be encrypted.

Private keys are what should be offline, like BTC private keys.

If that is the case, then in theory could you not just hold your private keys the same way? If the security is good enough for one, why not the other?

Off for a round of golf so probably won't get back to you but thanks for the answer ;)

No because the private key is the asset itself, it's revealed, then the asset is lost.

If a password is revealed, it's not necessarily a loss of an account, since it can still by recovered from the e-mail. So they would need to steal your e-mail acount too.

So a password requires less security than a private key.

So in essence those password managers are no competition to the old pen and paper :)

I understand the difference between a password and private key of course. Just feel like if it is not good enough to store your most valuable data then is it really worth the risk.

The password manager is to generate the password mostly, and to store them in an organized way.

If the password is on a paper it can be read by others, so it depends on your access control, which one do you trust mor your encrypted computer or the door lock on your door?

It's an interesting security problem, I think I have gave a few tips about this issue in my Bitcoin Risk analysis article:

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