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RE: Proposal for a search system for tracking the flow of money out of steem via other cryptocurrencies to stop sock puppets funneling out money from self voting and circle jerks

in #security7 years ago

Having better systems for going after socks can be great but we should also consider the side effects and other things too that can be bad. The downvoting is an example of a problem. If you use Steemit like Facebook and upvote a great photo and people downvote it, then you lose your photo. That is very bad and that is censorship and Steemit has problems.


The photo is not lost, it still can be seen by its' link, and this is an interface thing not a blockchain thing.

What would the justification for someone(s) be to bury genuine original content if there was not some other reason to bury it - for example, maybe it is deemed offensive, or potentially even the evidence of a crime of those attempting to suppress it.

Remember, in such a scenario, there would perhaps also be other people who would take the opposite approach, and more likely a lot more voting weight behind it, pulling the content back out from the little red line.

It is good to be able to find the photo even if it is hidden.
But why would I want my own post to be hidden on my own Facebook? Do we as a community all share the profiles and accounts and pages together like they say people all own land in communism countries?
And anything can be offensive or a crime to somebody in the world and the block chain in global and different countries have different laws and different things offend each person and everybody all over the world and all of this becomes way toooooooooooooooooooooo subjective over objective.

In the end, nothing can be hidden on the Steem blockchain. The suppression of its appearance is the way that the community can punish offensive content, in the context of not being able to delete it.

But do you like that? Do you think this is a good idea?

Quite simply, the data is there to be used, and this is a positive use for it in policing malicious behaviour in a social network like Steem.

The authorities have no compunction about using the traces on the blockchain and internet server logs to prosecute witch-hunts like what led to Ross Ulbricht's imprisonment, even though the investigators are all also now in trouble for racketeering and scamming. According to proper court rules, their evidence is tainted and it is irrelevant whether it is true or not, it must be thrown out. The fact that it isn't is because this is a witch hunt.

Thus, if they are using this information to defend themselves, so should we. Just like Steem takes the expansion of money supply as a mechanism to fund the network's costs without adding the friction of transaction fees, the Central Banks use this to provide more money to favourable politicians to implement their promises, without them having to find more ways to tax people to fund it.

In Europe, when people post a video of what Muslims are doing, the police go to their house and take them to jail. Many people do not know what the Hell I am talking about. You will not read or hear about this from CNN or BBC or other liberal mainstream media. I am sad about what is happening in the world in many countries. Our information on Facebook is sold to governments and companies. The bad people in the world are always trying to hurt the good people by stealing information and everything and by using it all against the good people. But Steemit might be or might become like China in the censorship if they are not careful enough. Also, Europe is being censored too. Twitter and Facebook and YouTube is very censored. The left is a plaque that infiltrated into our brains through the education, the entertainment, through the doctors, and everything.

In fact, what would result out of the kind of action I am proposing, would be to strengthen the economic integrity of Steem, it would almost certainly raise the price through stopping the syphon of these malicious actors, and with more money available in total within the community, stronger defences can be built.

The more I work with Steem, the more I am becoming convinced that Radical Transparency is a crucial element of the emerging future society. By making the intelligence gathering a community effort, and placing all the data in publicly accessible, uncensorable repositories like the Steem Blockchain, the bad guys don't have the exclusive access to this data. This means good guys can use it to catch the bad guys, without anyone having to trust a bunch of scumbags who have over and over again proven they care nothing about the sanctity of life, peace and prosperity. People who market themselves as community servants when in fact they are robbing us all blind.

Agreed. I love transparency. But I'm against being ganged up on. I posted about this same thing on my Steemit and it was downvoted so much that the visibility was partly hidden. My reputation may go down because I wrote bout these things that we are talking about right now. Based on my over 20 years of experience on the Internet, I have seen these things happen many times to me and to others on many websites since about 1996.
I love to go after the bad people but it is always a question of who decides who the bad people are. To determine the bad people, you need to first define what is bad. Some on Steemit may define good and bad through subjectivity / relativism but others define it through objectivity.
Who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys? Block chains like Steemit seems to have some kind of democratic consensus and voting system and that might be the best way to do things. I cannot say exactly and I probably do not know. I hope for the best for Steemit and other platforms too for the future and I am agreeing with you about transparency. I love Steemit and Gab and Bitcoin and many things.
I'm mostly concerned and worried about the demographics of the people in the world both offline and especially online. If the bad people outnumber the good people on Steemit and then the bad people downvote the good people's content and upvote the content of the bad people, then the bad people get more money and more visibility and the good people would then get the opposite. I hope the good people always rise to the top and I encourage the better people to rise to the top to vote up great things and everything. But I am speaking more of a potential problem.

"In Europe, when people post a video of what Muslims are doing, the police go to their house and take them to jail."

Just wanted to chime in here that this was an excellent discussion thread. I, too, am very concerned about this sort of regressive censorship.

YT is better than FB, Twitter and Reddit, but Steemit is less censored than all of them.

Good. I love the decentralization. I hope for the best for Steemit. I came 2 weeks ago in June 2017 to Steemit. I see problems in the world. I love what I see on Steemit. A lot of great things on Steemit. It seems Steemit and Gab and Minds and Medium and VidMe are doing better than mainstream social media networks like Facebook. And yea, YouTube was doing a bit better than Twitter at times. YouTube was perhaps censoring less than Twitter.

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